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The Sharpen Texture Extension

This section discusses the sharpen texture extension, SGIS_sharpen_texture. This extension and the detail texture extension (see "The Detail Texture Extension") are useful in situations where you want to maintain good image quality when a texture must be magnified for close-up views.

When a textured surface is viewed close up, the magnification of the texture can cause blurring. One way to reduce blurring is to use a higher-resolution texture for the close-up view, at the cost of extra storage. The sharpen texture extension offers a way to keep the image crisp without increasing texture storage requirements.

Sharpen texture works best when the high-frequency information is used to represent edge information, for example:

Sharpen texture works by extrapolating from mipmap levels 1 and 0 to create a magnified image that has sharper features than either mipmap.

Using the Sharpen Texture Extension
Sharpen Texture Example Program
New Functions

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