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EISA DMA Utility Functions and Structures

Table 4-1 lists the DMA utility routines.

DMA Utility Routines
eisa_dma_free_bufFree a previously allocated DMA buffer descriptor.
eisa_dma_free_cbFree a previously allocated DMA command block.
eisa_dma_get_bufAllocated DMA a buffer descriptor.
eisa_dma_get_cbAllocated DMA a command block.
eisa_dma_disableDisable recognition of hardware requests on a DMA channel.
eisa_dma_enbableEnable recognition of hardware requests on a DMA channel.
eisa_dma_stopStop a software-initiated DMA operation on a channel and release it.
eisa_dma_fswstartInitiate a DMA operation via software request.
eisa_dma_progProgram a DMA operation for a subsequent software request.

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