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Determining VME Device Addresses

Each VME device has a set of VME-bus addresses to which it responds. These addresses correspond to device registers or on-board memory, depending on the VME device. Your driver can map these VME addresses into the host processor address space: your users can access the device with simple reads and writes. VME devices can be classified as A16, A24, A32, or A64 VME slaves. Each class specifies a range of addresses to which the device responds. You determine the slave addressing mode from the technical specification for the device.

Once you determine the addressing mode, choose VME addresses that do not conflict with existing VME device drivers. For each slave addressing class, Silicon Graphics has reserved a range of addresses for use by user-written drivers. These ranges are listed in /var/sysgen/system/ and tabulated in Appendix A, "System-specific Issues".

You must choose a VME-bus interrupt priority level for the device. The VME-bus interrupt priority level must be a value from one to seven. Later, all VME interrupts are channeled into one CPU interrupt level. The priority of this CPU interrupt is below that of the clock and any on-CPU devices.

In the past, it was necessary to reserve a VME interrupt vector. Since most VME devices can program the interrupt vector through software, a dynamic allocation scheme for vectors now hands VME vectors out to drivers at initialization time. However, if your VME device has a hard-wired or jumpered VME vector, it is still possible to reserve the VME vector that the device requires.

When CPU interrupts are assigned to the VME bus, the CPU services the VME-bus interrupts in order of their VME-bus priority. For each CPU interrupt, the system services only one device per VME-bus priority level. If more than one VME-bus interrupt occurs at the same VME-bus interrupt priority level, all but one device must wait until the next time the CPU services the VME-bus CPU interrupt.

After picking an appropriate set of addresses and an interrupt priority level, you must program the VME device to respond accordingly. Usually, you do this with jumpers or switches. Some VME devices allow you to program the VME vector and interrupt priority level at boot time (from your driver's drvedtinit() routine).

If the device performs DMA, you need to know the addressing mode by which the device accesses main memory. This addressing mode is called its master addressing mode, as opposed to the slave addressing mode described above. Silicon Graphics supports A24, A32, and A64[10] VME master addressing. (POWERchannel-2 has master DMA capability.) The master addressing mode determines the driver structure to some degree.

[10] R4000 - R4400 use 64-bit MIPS III mode in the CHALLENGE/Onyx chassis.
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