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User-level VME-bus Device Driver

The easiest way to handle a VME device is to write a user-level program that controls the device by dealing directly with the special /dev/vme driver. You can write a user-level device driver when your users need to access a VME-bus device that is not interrupt driven and does not require DMA operations. In fact, many boards that use DMA or generate interrupts can have these features turned off for simple, user-level device drivers.

User-level VME-bus device drivers are convenient for determining whether a device responds to the correct address or simple register tests. They can also be useful for prototyping: you can quickly integrate boards whose interrupts can be turned off into a system, then later write a kernel-level driver that turns the interrupts back on for higher performance. In addition, you can use a user-level VME-bus device driver in real applications that require low-overhead access to on-board device registers or memory.

A user-level VME-bus device driver might typically handle data acquisition hardware--hardware that reads large amounts of data into device memory. Because the device memory is memory-mapped into the address space of the user program, it is available to the user program directly; the user program can avoid copying the data into host memory, processing the data in the device memory instead. However, these PIO accesses may have substantially lower performance than DMA-based kernel drivers. Refer to "Programmed I/O (PIO)".

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