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IRIX(TM) Device Driver
Programming Guide

Document Number 007-0911-050


Revised and rewritten by Gary Sloane

Production by Gloria Ackley

Engineering contributions by Rich Altmaier, Rick Avila, Brian Berg, Brad Eacker, Lara Fabans, Bruce Johnson, Ben Mahjoor, Jay McCauley, Rick McLeod, Huy Nguyen, Neal Nuckols, Dave Olson, Alex Petruncola, Duncan Poole, Bhanu Prakash, Joyce Richards, Sarah Rosedahl, George Smith, Robert Stephens, Jean Tsai, and Steve Whitney.

Reviewed by David Cortesi, Dan Hachigian, Bill Fisher, Irene Kuffel, Tom Mitchell, Jim Putnam, Kathleen Roy, Mike Shannon, Bob Shaw, Jeff Smith, Kris Solem, Chris Wagner, Bill Warner, Ted Wilcox, Julie Yen, and Joe Yetter

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