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Making a Debuggable Kernel

To make a kernel that you can debug from symmon(1), you need to create a kernel slightly different from the standard one. Use the following steps (many of which you used when you added a device driver to the kernel) to create a debuggable kernel.

  1. Become root:

    % su

  2. Edit /var/sysgen/system/

  3. Copy the current kernel to a safe place before rebooting.

    # cp /unix /unix.orig
    # ln /unix /unix.orig

  4. Run /etc/autoconfig and answer yes if prompted.

  5. Use halt to bring the system down. When you issue the halt command, the system overwrites the current kernel, /unix, with the kernel you have just created, /unix.install.

    # halt

  6. On IRIS-4D/100, 4D/200, 4D/300, and 4D/400 Series workstations, set the front panel dip switches as shown in Figure 10-1.

    Caution: For these workstations, you must not use any odd-numbered port connected to a CPU for data transfer because an inadvertent
    <ctrl-A> in the data stream can put the system into symmon. This is true of any odd-numbered port not connected to a 6-port serial card.

    Personal IRIS, Indigo, Indigo2, Indy, Crimson, CHALLENGE/Onyx, and POWER CHALLENGE/POWER Onyx systems do not require physical switches for kernel debugging.

Figure 10-1 : IRIS Front Panel Dip Switches

  1. After halting the system, push the <Reset> button to force the processor to read the switches.

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