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C Switch Differences

The 32-bit compiler supports the following switches which the 64-bit compiler does not:


As in 32-bit Fortran above.


Asks uopt to perform the special treatment for global variables to optimize their program accesses regardless of the shared/non-shared compilation mode.


Use path rather than the directory where the name is normally found.


Append string to all names specified by the -t option.
The 64-bit compiler supports the following switches which the 32-bit compiler does not:

-64, -n32,-mips3 -mips4

As in 64-bit Fortran above.


Add following cpp assertions.


Run cpp and print list of headers.


Print list of possible options.


Keep intermediate files.


Run Power C Analyzer and keep listing and pca output.


Run Power C Analyzer and keep listing.


Show phases but don't have phases print additional info.


Show time taken by each phase.


Characters are unsigned by default.


Turn off all warnings.
The following switches are accepted by both compilers but have different semantics:


On the 32-bit compiler, it's the same as -show, whereas it means verbose warnings on the 64-bit compiler.


Turn off named warnings, but the warning numbers are different between the compilers.


Designate to which pass, c, of the compiler the arguments are to be passed.

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