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DT v4.2 Gold Medal:
John Magdziarz's cmapdoctor

Version 4.2's Gold Medal winner is none other than our very own John Magdziarz, or the appellation the janitor employs: herr magster a.k.a. herr doktor. John's contributions to the D.T. have been a "food staple" for quite some time. He's forged such sterling works as ivcalc, lackey, vidmap, scrollmon, and seqgrab, as well as crafting (and voicing) the v4.1 developer toolbox "greeting" sound file one can run when demobook fires up.

herr magster's proclivity for creating applications that fill in some of the gaps in sgi's software functionality is a tremendous boon to everyone grappling with attempts to tame the sgi beast. cmapdoctor, a scanner/viewer for all X colormaps/visuals including overlays, underlays and popups, is definitely such an application. to be a little more concrete here about the Gold Medal, some of the janitor's general guidelines for such an award are:

Having applications such as John's on the d.t., help distinguish it as a pre-eminent resource, useful to people both in- and out-side SGI. It is with great pleasure that we bestow the Gold Medal award for version 4.2 of the d.t., to herr cmap-doktor, gifted in the art of creativity, inventiveness, and boldly going where few others care to trod. 'nother good one, herr magster!

d.t. v4.2 Gold Medal runners up:
public/bin/linkwinds                          JPL
src/apps/gmemusage                            Roger Chickering
src/apps/gvi                                  Baron Roberts
src/exampleCode/inventor/DirectManipRevoSurf  Paul Isaacs
src/exampleCode/inventor/SpaceballViewer      Jym "powder daze" Terhorst
src/exampleCode/opengl/oat                    George Kyriazis
src/exampleCode/video/simpleVideo             Don Bennett
src/exampleCode/viewkit/builderExamples       Doug Young
src/exampleCode/X/xshowcmap2                  Joel Tesler
src/swtools/libdmalloc                        Don Hatch