Developer Toolbox Alphabetic Listing of Audio Files HUB | Pheedbak | Tree | Topic | Search | Hot | New ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document presents the Audio Files Contents of the Toolbox organized alphabetically. Last Updated: March 31, 1996 Currently, alphabetization is done in terms of the following types of files: * Audio Files * Document Titles * Image Files: GIF | JPEG | RGB (SGI imagelib) | TIFF * Inst Images * Inventor Files * Libraries/DSOs * Source (sorted by executable name) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Audio Files: PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, there are sound files on the Toolbox, (listed below), which were created in the days before HTML/MIME types consciousness. These files do not end in mime types recognizable suffixes like .aiff or .aifc. Because of this, and the eternally lame "running out of time" non-excuse, we have opted at this juncture, to represent these sound files as "non-live" links, so you will know the file is there, but so you not try to access it via yer web-browser as the results are meaningless and worthless. The "solution" is that in time, we will change these file names, and their invocation in the source code referencing them, so they can also "join the party" in web-world spirit. * link from the documents/audio/audio.apps/ directory o welcome.mp2 * link from the documents/audio/audio.apps/ directory o forum_short.mp2 * download-able link for the bin/games/data/pods/ directory o background_1.aiff o background_2.aiff o capture.aiff o collide_1.aiff o collide_2.aiff o collide_3.aiff o collide_4.aiff o flood.aiff o gameover.aiff o splat.aiff o triangle.aiff o wormfall.aiff * download-able link for the bin/games/data/sb/ directory o snd.crash o snd.death o snd.death.ugh o snd.death.youdie o o o o o snd.pod.birth o snd.pod.fire1 o snd.pod.fire2 o snd.pod.gothit o snd.pod.gulp o snd.rock.bounce o snd.rock.split o snd.shield.down o snd.shield.hit o snd.shield.up o snd.thrust o snd.wall.bounce * download-able link for the data/sounds/ directory o dt4.1.aifc o redWingBlkBrd.aiff o robin.aiff o thunder.aiff * download-able link for the src/demos/GL/flight/defs/sound/ directory o cannon.aiff o die.aiff o explosion.aiff o jthrust.aiff o lock.aiff o missle.aiff * download-able link for the src/demos/audio/amesh/amesh/sound_files/ directory o bach.aiff o indigo.aiff * download-able link for the src/demos/audio/bz/ directory o bump.aiff o fire.aiff o explosion.aiff o flag_grabbed.aiff o flag_lost.aiff o flag_won.aiff o mine_drop.aiff o mine_pick_up.aiff o pause.aiff o pop.aiff * download-able link for the src/demos/audio/drive/ directory o caf_caf.aiff o crank_loop.aiff o crash.aiff o motor_loop.aiff o screech.aiff o start_to_crank.aiff * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/audio/rock/ directory o a.a o b.a o bash1.a o bash2.a o bash3.a o bash4.a o c.a o clip.a o di.a o go.a o hollywood.a o in.a o stop.a o yeah.a * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/audio/sonic/ directory o metal_triad_power.E1.aiff o slinky_slap.aiff * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/games/IndiZone/data/blix/ directory o beep.aiff o donk_c.aiff o explosion.aiff o goodbye.aiff o lift.aiff o planet.aiff o pop.aiff o tune_a.aiff o tune_b.aiff o tune_c.aiff o welcome.aiff * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/games/IndiZone/data/cycles/ directory o alarm.aiff o boom1.aiff o boom2.aiff o boom3.aiff o cycle.aiff o fall.aiff o jump.aiff * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/games/IndiZone/data/gold/ directory o heartBeat.aiff o munch1.aiff o newEggs.aiff * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/games/IndiZone/data/sw/ directory o drop.aiff o explosion.aiff o flag_alert.aiff o flag_lost.aiff o flag_won.aiff o grab.aiff o killed.aiff o laser.aiff o lockon.aiff o missile.aiff o seeking.aiff * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/games/IndiZone/data/vroom/ directory o alert.aifc o changelane.aifc o cheers.aifc o collide.aifc o crash.aifc o intro.aifc o lastlap.aifc o motor.aifc o restart.aifc o squeal.aifc o start.aifc o tone1.aifc * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/OpenInventorLab/lab/sounds/ directory o lampOFF.aiff o lampON.aiff o table.aiff o tableOFF.aiff o tableON.aiff * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/OpenInventorLab/labSolutions/sounds/ directory o lampOFF.aiff o lampON.aiff o table.aiff o tableOFF.aiff o tableON.aiff * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/ivcalc/ directory o belltree_up2.aiff o drm_clave.aiff * download-able link for the src/exampleCode/speech/lackey/ directory o awaitcmd.aifc o not_found.aifc o serve.aifc * download-able link for the src/tutorials/custEducation/openInventor/interaction/sounds/ directory o lampOFF.aiff o lampON.aiff o table.aiff o tableOFF.aiff o tableON.aiff * download-able link for the www/ directory o audio.aifc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Audio Files * Document Titles * Image Files: GIF | JPEG | RGB (SGI imagelib) | TIFF * Inst Images * Inventor Files * Libraries/DSOs * Source (sorted by executable name) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.