
Internet Explorer Toolbar
Displaying toolbar components
Resizing toolbar components
Rearranging toolbar components
Setting up the AutoComplete feature
Setting up the AutoFill feature

Web Pages
Changing page and link colors
Changing sound, video, and picture settings
Changing the default font size for all pages
Changing the default fonts for all pages
Viewing pages with frames
Using the Internet ratings system
Changing or deleting a Web site password or user name
Using style sheets
Changing the update and notify settings for subscribed pages
Viewing pictures
Viewing animated pictures
Updating a page when pictures are downloaded
Using ColorSync

Home and Search Page
Changing the home page
Changing the search page

Internet Connections
Configuring your computer for Internet access by using a proxy server
Using multiple connections
Viewing server messages
Connecting to the Internet automatically when pages are not cached

Handling Files and Protocols
Changing Download Manager settings
Starting an application when you open a particular file type
Starting an application when you open a particular protocol
Using plug-ins

Cache and History List
Changing the size and location of the cache
Updating a Web page
Updating a page when pictures are downloaded
Changing the number of previously viewed pages stored in the history list

Setting up a connection to send information to a Web site

To display toolbar components

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Browser Display.
  3. Select the check boxes next to the toolbar components (for example, Button Bar, Address Bar, and Favorites Bar) that you want to display.
  4. If you want to see an animated icon that indicates when the browser is downloading a page, select the Show Icon Animation check box, and then select the animation you want to see.
  5. If you want to see a description when the mouse pauses over a toolbar button, select the Show ToolTips check box.


Related Topics
Button Bar shortcuts
Resizing toolbar components
Rearranging toolbar components

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To resize toolbar components

  1. Move the pointer to the cross-hatched pattern on the bar that you want to resize. Note that the pointer turns into a hand.
  2. Drag the bar. When you reduce the size of a bar, some buttons are hidden.
Note Related Topics
Displaying toolbar components
Rearranging toolbar components

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To rearrange toolbar components

  1. Move the pointer to the cross-hatched pattern on the bar that you want to move. Note that the pointer turns into a hand.
  2. Drag the bar to its new location on the toolbar. You can only move the toolbar components (the Favorites, Button, and Address Bars) within the toolbar. A blue highlighting box indicates the size and placement of the bar in its new location.

Related Topics
Displaying toolbar components
Resizing toolbar components

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To set up the AutoComplete feature

When you start typing into a form on a Web page or the Address Bar, the AutoComplete feature in Internet Explorer automatically suggests a match as you type. The suggested match is highlighted. When you finish typing, or when AutoComplete finds a match, press the ENTER key. AutoComplete finds a match from a list of Web sites you've visited before, or from words you have added to the AutoComplete word list.

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Forms AutoFill, click Forms AutoComplete.
  3. Select Enabled.
  4. If you want to add a word or words to the Word list from which Internet Explorer can match, click the Add button.

Related Topic
Changing the number of previously viewed pages stored in the history list
Glossary (Address Bar)

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To set up the AutoFill feature

The AutoFill feature automatically places information about you into Web forms. Information that AutoFill places into the forms includes your name, street address, and email address, saving you from having to type it every time you fill out a form on the Web. Type the information once into the AutoFill dialog box, and, after that, click the AutoFill button on the toolbar when filling out a form on a Web site. The information that AutoFill places is highlighted in yellow so that you can check it before submitting the form to the Web site.

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Forms AutoFill, click AutoFill Profile.
  3. Type information you want AutoFill to complete for you in Web forms.

To change page and link colors

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Browser Display.
  3. In the Page & Link area, click the Color Picker that corresponds to the item you want to change.

Related Topic
Changing video, sound, and picture settings

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To change video, sound, and picture settings

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Web Content.
  3. In the Page Content area, select the check box for each multimedia element you want displayed.
Tip Related Topic
Downloading pictures when Show Pictures is turned off

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To change the default font size for all pages

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Browser Display.
  3. On the Text Size menu, select a default font size.


Related Topics
Changing the font size of the current page
Changing the fonts used to display text on a page

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To change the default fonts for all pages

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Language and Fonts.
  3. On the Character Set menu, select a character set.
    The language kit for the specified character set must be installed.
  4. On the Proportional Font and Fixed-Width Font menus, select the fonts you want.


Related Topics
Changing the default font size for all pages
Changing the font for the current page

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To view pages with frames

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Web Content.
  3. Make sure the Show Frames check box is selected.
  4. On the View menu, click Refresh.


Related Topics
Creating a collection of favorite pages
Glossary (frame)
Organizing your favorites list

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To use the Internet Ratings system

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Ratings.
  3. Select Enabled.
  4. If you have never set Internet ratings, click Change Password.
  5. Type a new password. By default, no password is provided.
  6. Confirm your new password by typing it again.
  7. Select rating levels for violence, sex, nudity, and language rating.
    A description of the selected level is provided.


Related Topic
Using a ratings bureau

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To change or delete a Web site password or user name

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Network, click Site Passwords.
  3. Click a site from the list and do one of the following:
Related Topic
Visiting a Web page

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To use style sheets

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Web Content.
  3. Select the Show Style Sheets check box.

Related Topic
Glossary (style sheets)

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To change the update and notify settings for subscribed pages

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Subscriptions.
  3. In the Check for Changed Sites area, click the button that corresponds to how often you want Internet Explorer to look for updates to your subscribed pages.
  4. In the When A Site Has Changed area, select the check box that corresponds to how you want to be notified of changes.


Related Topics
Changing the notify setting for a specific subscribed page
Creating a collection of favorite pages
Subscribing to a favorite page

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To view pictures

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Web Content.
  3. Select the Show Pictures check box.
Related Topics
Downloading pictures when Show Pictures is turned off
Viewing animated pictures

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To view animated pictures

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Web Content.
  3. Select the Animated GIFs check box.
  4. If you want the GIF to animate continuously, select the Looping check box.
Related Topics
Glossary (GIF)
Viewing pictures

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To update a page when pictures are downloaded

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Web Content.
  3. In the Progressive Formatting area, click the button that suits your Internet connection.

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To use ColorSync

Internet Explorer supports embedded International Color Consortium (ICC) profiles in JPEG images. You can render any JPEG images with profiles to your computer screen or printer.

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Web Content.
  3. Select the ColorSync check box.
  4. On the View menu, click Refresh.


Related Topics
Glossary (ColorSync)
Printing a Web page

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To change the home page

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Home/Search.
  3. In the Address box, type the new home page address.
  4. To display your home page whenever you open a new window, select the Automatically go to this home page when opening a new window check box.


Related Topics
Glossary (home page)
Button Bar shortcuts (Home button)
Visiting the home page

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To change the search page

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Home/Search.
  3. Type a new search page address in the Address box.


Related Topics
Button Bar shortcuts (Search button)
Glossary (search page)
Searching for a specific place or page

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To configure your computer for Internet access by using a proxy server

  1. Get your proxy server address and server type (normal or tunnel) from your network administrator.
  2. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  3. Under Network, click Proxies.
  4. Click Enabled.
  5. On the Protocol menu, select a protocol
  6. On the Method menu, select a type of proxy server.
  7. In the Address: http and Port boxes, specify the proxy server address and port supplied by your system administrator.
  8. If your proxy requires authentication, specify the information supplied by your system administrator in the Password and User Name box.
  9. In the box located at the bottom of the dialog box, type the sites you want to connect to directly, bypassing the proxy server.

Related Topics
Glossary (firewall)
Glossary (ISP)
Glossary (proxy)

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To use multiple connections

Multiple connections enable your browser to download different elements at the same time. For example, if you download a page that contains multiple images without using multiple connections, the images load one at a time. With multiple connections, the images load simultaneously.
  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Advanced.
  3. Select the Support Multiple Connections check box.
  4. Change the Max Connections value, as needed.


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To view server messages

Server messages are helpful if you are having trouble visiting a page.
  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Advanced.
  3. Select the Show Server Messages check box.

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To connect to the Internet automatically when pages are not cached

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Advanced.
  3. Select the Automatically connect to Internet if page is not cached check box.

Related Topic
Browsing the Web without being connected to the Internet

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To change Download Manager settings

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Receiving Files, click Download Options.
  3. Click Change Folder, and locate the folder in which downloaded files are stored.
  4. If you want all downloaded files to be stored in the folder specified in the Download Folder area, select Always download files to the download folder. If you want to use the download destination specified in the File Helpers panel, click Always use download location from appropriate file helpers.
  5. On the Maximum number of concurrent downloads menu, select a value.
  6. If you do not want the Download Manager to maintain a list of the files you download, click Immediately remove items after they have been downloaded.
  7. Click the button that corresponds to the number of downloads you want maintained.
  8. Select the Automatically decode MacBinary files or the Automatically decode binhex files check box, as needed.
Related Topics
Downloading a file to your computer
Stopping the download of a file
Viewing the list of downloaded files

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To start an application when you open a particular file type

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Receiving Files, click File Helpers.
  3. Do one of the following:
  4. If you clicked the Add or Change button, enter the following information, as needed, into the Edit File Helper menu:

Related Topics
File helpers directory
Glossary (file helpers)

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To start an application when you open a particular protocol

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Network, click Protocol Helpers
  3. Do one of the following:
  4. If you clicked the Add or Change button, enter the following information, as needed, into the Protocol Helper Editor menu.

Related Topics
Glossary (protocol)
Glossary (protocol helpers)

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To use plug-ins

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Web Content.
  3. Select the Enable Plug-Ins check box.

Related Topic
Glossary (plug-in)

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To change the size and location of the cache

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Advanced.
  3. To create more space in your Cache folder, increase the value in the Maximum Size box or, if you want to start with an empty cache, click Empty Now.
  4. To define a new name and location for the Cache folder, click Change Location.

Related Topic
Glossary (cache)

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To update a Web page

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Advanced.
  3. In the Cache area, select how often you would like your browser to reload a Web page:

Related Topic
Seeing where you've been

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To update a page when pictures are downloaded

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Web Content.
  3. In the Progressive Formatting area, click the option you want.

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To change the number of previously viewed pages stored in the history list

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under Web Browser, click Advanced.
  3. In the History area, type a new value in the Remember the last places visited box.

Related Topics
Exporting the history list
Seeing where you've been

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To set up a connection to send information to Web site

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Under E-mail, click General.
  3. In the Real Name box, type you first and last name.
  4. In the E-mail address box, type your e-mail address.
  5. In the Organization box, type your company or group name.
  6. In the SMTP Host box, type the name of your outgoing mail server.


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