Hello, ORIC fans!! I will give some brief instructions about how to install and play tennis with the ORIC. TENNIS (TENIS in spanish) is a programm written by myself when I was around 15. Now I am 27, I got a engineer degree but I get surprise when I think the lot of work that it took to write this programm. Now, I think than I would not be able to do such a big effort with so bad tools for such a long time. It is a 3-D programm with big and colour graphics that we were not used to have in ORIC programms. TENIS is composed of these files: Filename Original Description ------------ ---------- ---------- README.TXT This file TENIS(T) 1350 Loader TENIS 8130 Basic main routines TENISCM 3590 Machine code routines TENISGR 16665 Graphics ------------ ---------- The ORIC (or euphoric if you use it) will charge the game after loading TENIS(T). So type: CLOAD "TENIS(T)" Afterwards, you could ask for instructions pressint 'D' but they will appear in spanish. It should not be a problemm for anybody but if you really do not know a word of spanish, go to the book shop and buy a spanisk dictionary. It is good time to begin to learn such a nice language! Well, if you really do not want to take the chance to learn spanish, I can translate them to you: 'This is a program to play tennis with truly 3D feeling. You can select two choices: -> Top player A -> Botton player B The keys to control the player A are: Racket up CRTL Left X Racket down SHIFTr Rigth C and for the player B: Racket up RTN Left < Racket down SHIFTl Rigth > Press F to exit' Then you may press 'J' to play Then, ORIC will ask you the way to play: (1) One player at the botton, (2) One player at the top, (3) Two players. Then, it will ask for the player(s) name(s). Now, it will ask you de dificulty level and the speed of the game. It will ask you the number of sets than you will like to play. Finally, it remenbers you to play ESC during the people is screaming to exit the game. If you understood the instructions press 'S' Then, to play. It will begin automatically the game. (Currently, I think this was an error in my programm. I were so young at that time!). You can move your player to right or left and to change the position of you racket. No more! Enjoy the game. NOTE: TENIS is a free distributed game that you can copy as much as like. Jose A. Orostivar Timafaya 41 6B 28924 SAN JOSE DE VALDERAS MADRID SPAIN 101352.271@compuserve.com