Available images for KIM-1

    size   zipped    %  crc32     filename
zip hypertap.zip 207  
     123       85  31%  5e6f2bd0  hypertap.kim
zip lunar.zip 343  
     227      227   0%  86760745  lunar.kim

      Jim Butterfield

This program starts at 0200.  When started, you will find
yourself at 4500 feet and falling.  The thrust on your machine
is set to low; so you will pick up speed due to the force of

You can look at your fuel at any time by pressing the
"F" button.  Your fuel (initially 800 pounds) will be shown
in the first four digits of the KIM display.
The last two digits of the KIM display always show
your rate of ascent of descent. "A" restores altitude.

Set your thrust by pressing buttons 1 through 9.
Warning: button 0 turns you motor off, and it will not
reignite!  A thrust of 1, minimum, burns very little fuel;
but gravity will be pulling your craft down faster and
faster. A thrust of 9, maximum, overcomes gravity
and reduces your rate of descent very sharply  A thrust of 5
exactly counterbalances gravity; you will continue to descend
(or ascend) at a constant rate. If you run out of fuel,
your thrust controls will become inoperative.

Suggestions for a safe flight:
      [1] Conserve fuel at the beginning by pressing 1.
	  You begin to pick up speed downwards.
      [2] When your rate of descent gets up to the 90's, you're
	  falling fast enough. Press 5 to steady the rate.
      [3] When your altitude reaches about 1500 feet, you'll
	  need to slow down.  Press 9 and slow down fast.
      [4] When your rate of descent has dropped to 15 or 20,
	  steady the craft by pressing 5 or 6.	Now you're on
	  your own.

To execute enter <0> <2> <0> <0> and GO (F5) after startup.
zip music1.zip 266  
     165      148  10%  054f0a35  music1.kim
zip music2.zip 203  
     123       85  31%  5e6f2bd0  music2.kim
zip musicbox.zip 271  
     149      149   0%  b9f0ff9d  musicbox.kim

Generated by mkhtml Tue Feb 6 19:35:29 2001