
Sam Coupe 512K RAM

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Name coupe512 Sam Coupe 512K RAM
Manufacturer Miles Gordon Technology plc 1989
Clone of coupe
CPU #1 Z80 6,0 MHz
Sound #1 Speaker n/a
Sound #2 SAA1099 n/a
Video raster, horizontal 512 x 192, 128 colors, 50 Hz
BIOS ROM coupe512.zip 27,3 K
    size   zipped    %  crc32     filename
   16384    13419  18%  9954cf1a  coupe512/sam_rom0.rom
   16384    14228  13%  f031aed4  coupe512/sam_rom1.rom
 ASCII and Microsoft
 Amstrad plc
 Apple Computer
 Bally Manufacturing
 Bondwell Holding
 Cambridge Computers
 Commodore Business Machines Co
 Computer Electronic
 Creon Enterprises
 Data Concepts
 Digital Equipment Company
 Dragon Data Ltd
 EACA Computers Ltd
 Exidy Inc
 General Consumer Electronics
 Intelligent Software
 International Business Machines
 Memotech Ltd
 Micro Digital
 Microbee Systems
 Miles Gordon Technology plc
coupe new
 NOVAG Industries Ltd
 Nascom Microcomputers
 Nippon Electronic Company
 Non Linear Systems
 Ohio Scientific
 Quelle International
 Roy Abel and Associates
 Schneider Rdf. AG
 Sharp / Epcom
 Sinclair Research
 Synertek Systems Corp
 Tandy Radio Shack
 Texas Instruments
 Timex Sinclair
 Timex of Portugal
 VEB Mikroelektronik
 Video Technology
 Your Computer

Generated by mkhtml Tue Feb 6 19:35:04 2001