1 Win32s is not supported. 2 Please close computer management and try again. 3 Please close the disk administrator and try again. 4 MakeDisk 5 Unable to find the configuration (MAKEDISK.CFG) file.\n\nYou'll be prompted to open it manually after clicking the OK button. 6 Not enough memory to continue. 7 Unable to read in file %s 8 The configuration file is not valid. 9 Base file %s is not valid. 10 Select the optional components 11 Optimal 12 ISO File 13 Select a specific device or ISO File. 14 Select a specific device. 15 Enter a file name for the ISO file to create. 16 &Finish 17 &Next >> 18 << &Previous 19 Please insert disc %i 20 Do not supply a file extension. 21 Overwrite existing ISO file? 22 Close 23 The disc is not blank. Do you want it erased? 24 Insert a blank disc. 25 Erasing Disc... 26 Waiting on Drive... 27 There was an error writing to the disc. 28 Unable to initialize optical drive. 29 Welcome to MakeDisk.\n\nThis utility will assist you in creating bootable media to run various software titles from TeraByte Unlimited.\n\nClick Next to begin. 30 There was an error reading from the disc. 31 Validating Disc... 32 User Canceled... 33 Writing Disc... 34 Completed... 35 Failed... 36 FAILED: The Process did NOT complete successfully!\n\nAny media or files created during the last process should NOT be used.\n\nIf you continue to have problems please visit the support pages at www.terabyteunlimited.com for possible solutions. 37 SUCCESS: The Process Completed Successfully!\n\nIf you created bootable media then it's now ready for use.\n\nIf you created an ISO file then you'll need to burn it to a disc using your CD/DVD authoring software.\n\nVisit www.terabyteunlimited.com for the latest help and information. 38 Preparing... 39 Closing Disc... 40 The data validation has failed. 41 Your request is now being processed...\n\nFor more great software solutions, visit www.terabyteunlimited.com.\n\nTarget: 42 Unable to create file %s 43 Unable to read from file %s 44 Unable to write to file %s 45 Creating ISO File... 46 Validating ISO File... 47 Unable to open %s 48 Please insert a formatted diskette in to drive %c:\n\nWARNING: All data on the diskette will be erased. 49 The wrong type of diskette is in the drive.\nPlease insert the correct type of diskette in to drive %c:\n\nWARNING: All data on the diskette will be erased. 50 Unable to lock drive %c 51 Writing to diskette... 52 An error occured while writing to the diskette.\nEnsure the write protect tab is not enabled.\nIf the problem continues then reformat it\nor use a different diskette. 53 Validating diskette... 54 An error occured while reading from the diskette. 55 Waiting for diskette... 56 Unable to open file %s 57 Unable to load End User License Agreement! 58 Please refer to the End User License Agreement that was included with the software package being setup. 59 To continue, you must agree to accept the product's License Agreement. 60 WARNING: All data on diskette %c: will be erased.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue? 61 PROBLEM: Unable to access the USB drive.\n\nThe most likely solution is to run this program with administrative privileges.\nTo do so, either log on as an administrator or right click the program\nicon and choose "run as". 62 Waiting for user... 63 The target device is not large enough for this operation. 64 WARNING: All data on the following drive will be erased:\n\n%s\n\nThe drive may also need to be removed and reinserted\nfor windows to properly recognize the changes.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue? 65 Drive %c is in use and cannot be accessed. 66 Writing to device... 67 An error occured while writing to the device. 68 Validating data written to device... 69 An error occured while reading from the device. 70 The drive is in use and cannot be accessed. 71 Ran out of disk space while writing file %s 72 Final confirmation, All data will be deleted from the following device:\n\n%s\n\nClick the Cancel button if you wish to abort this operation. 73 Unexpected failure. 74 Unable to change directory to %s 75 Unable to create directory %s 76 Unable to mount target drive %s 77 Formatting... 78 Copying files... 79 Validation of file %s failed. 80 Format failed. 81 Missing data for file %s 82 &Restart >> 9001 OK 9002 Cancel 9003 &Ignore 9004 &Retry 9005 &Abort 9006 &Help 9007 &Yes 9008 &No 9009 &Continue 9010 Don't ask me again 9011 Don't tell me again 9012 Yes to &All 9013 No to A&ll