EMBRLock ~~~~~~~~ EMBRLock protects individual sectors within the EMBR yet allows existing programs to continue to work. License ~~~~~~~ See the fwlic.txt file which is included with this package. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Extract the files in the zip to a folder. 2) Run setup from that folder. * Use setup /i for silent installation. Uninstallation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Run the setup program again. * Use setup /u for silent uninstallation. Windows 9x/ME Issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Under Windows 9x the protection is only active if the 32-bit protected mode disk drivers are being used. If the system properties Performance tab shows "Your system is configured for optimal performance" then the protected mode drivers are being used. Problem Booting after Installation ---------------------------------- If for some reason you have a problem booting the operating system the first time after installing EMBRLock then: 1) Press F8 as soon as the "Starting Windows" text is displayed. (you need to be quick) 2) From the menu choose to boot in to safe mode. 3) Uninstall EMBRLock by running the setup program again. Windows NT Issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Problem Booting after Installation ---------------------------------- If for some reason you have a problem booting the operating system the first time after installing EMBRLock then: When booting NT press the space bar when the message that reads: "Press spacebar NOW to invoke Hardware Profile/Last Known Good menu" is displayed. Windows 2K/XP Issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Problem Booting after Installation ---------------------------------- If for some reason you have a problem booting the operating system the first time after installing EMBRLock then: If you get the "Please select the operating system to start" screen press F8 from that screen. Otherwise, press F8 as soon as the OS begins to boot. From the "Advanced Options Menu" select the "Last Known Good Configuration" item and press enter. Problem Programs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a list of known programs which may try to write sectors within the EMBR: * Mechwarrior 4 Mech Pak (several). * TurboTax. * Novell's Zen For Desktops 4 imaging component. * In general programs using the C_DILLA (SafeDisk/SafeCast) copy protection. There are quite a few games which use it.