. .. Last Update :. : :. ,o88o, Feb 1, 1996 WELCOME TO RAIN! ;; : ' : d888888b ; : ;; :,;' : 8888888B . ; :. ,;; :;' :. `Y8888P' ;; :; ;;; : ::. :. `""' ; ; ; ;;;; : :. :....,,,,,,, _/|_ ,;; ; ; ;;; . :.....;;;;;;;;;;;;;. //0 / ;;______ _______ ________ _____ __;;. __/ | ;___ __ \ ___ | ____ _/ ___ | / / ;, _/ / .;;__ /_/ / __ /| | ___ / __ |/ / ;;. / ( / ;;___ _, _/ _ ___ | __/ / _ /| / ;;;;. / )___\\ ; /_/ |_| /_/ |_| /___/ /_/ |_/ ;;;;:. \__/\_______\\ ;; Regional Alliance for Information Networking ;;;;;;. ..............;;; SLIP/PPP setup for Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups;;; If you are using Windows 95, please read the document win-95.txt for information on how to setup your account. The following material applies to Windows 3.1 and Windows 3.11 ONLY. So you have finally gotten an internet account and now you want to "Surf the Web". Well it just isn't that easy pal. However, with a bit of patience, some luck, and this guide, you may be able to complete the task with less frustration than most. We recomend that you read through the whole document first to familiarize yourself with the proceedure before begining. For this guide, I am assuming you know next to nothing about windows, TCP/IP communication packages, or seven layer burritos. If you do know some of the above, this guide will move quickly for you, but this was written for the basic computer illiterate. =) Throughout this guide I will be referring to filenames and commands that you must type in. When I ask you to enter the filename "test.txt" I do NOT mean for you to type the (") before and after the filename. They are there for emphasis only. I will also refer to menus like File->New. This means go to the File menu and then select the choice New from within that menu. If you find any errors in this guide or would like to see something added to it, please email me (grapple@rain.org) so I may update the document promptly. I have broken this guide into five parts. PART I Getting The rainsock.exe file PART II Configuring Trumpet Winsock PART III Downloading Netscape and other programs from RAIN. PART IV Configuring other programs. PART V So now what? Now remember, this is supposed to be "fun". =) First we are going to download some basic software from RAIN and then configure the software for your computer. The basic software consists of a TCP/IP stack and an FTP program. TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocal/Internet Protocol and its function is to allow your computer "talk" with other computers on the internet. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and its function is to allow you to download software off the internet. After we setup the basic software package, we will then proceed to FTP, or download, other programs that you will aid you on the internet. We will then configure those programs to work with your computer. Then you are free to start surfing the web. ______________________________________ ________| Part I |_______ \ | | / \ | Getting The rainsock.exe File | / / |______________________________________| \ /__________) (_________\ As odd as it may seem, this is the hardest part. RAIN has a shareware package available for PC users which is based on the Trumpet Winsock program. You will need to setup a communications package such as Qmodem, Commit Lite, or Procomm to get the file from RAIN. Due to the numerous communications packages on the market today, I can not list how to setup all of them. We do not want you to out and purchase a program that you would only use once, so please don't rush out and buy one. If you have a communication program and know how to use it, see the list of phone numbers in section 3.1 under PART II and connect to RAIN. You may now skip to the section HERE WE GO. For those who know they have a communications program, but don't know how to use it, I suggest you briefly leaf through the manual to the software. They are pretty easy to understand and you should be rolling in no time. If you can not find any communications software, or you find it and you can not seem to get it to work, and you don't mind waiting 20 minutes to get a file, follow the instructions below titled TERMINAL SETUP. You could always bring 4 blank, formatted 1.4 disks to the Coyote Coffee House on Tues-Sat from 11am-6pm at 1129 State Street in Santa Barbara or drop by the user group meetings on Thursdays from 7pm-9pm or Saturdays 12noon-4pm at 1129 State Street, Suite A-6 in Santa Barbara or at 1691 Spinnaker Drive, Suite 103 in Ventura. We would be more than happy to place the necessary files on the disks for you. TERMINAL SETUP OK. This section is for those who figure twenty minutes is faster than the twenty hours it would take to learn how to use their communications program or for those who don't know if they even possess such a program. We will first configure the terminal program for use with your modem. You can safely ignore any errors that may pop up on the screen during this time. Errors such as "No Carrier" are normal. Double click on the terminal icon to start the program. Go to Settings->Phone Number. See section 3.1 under Part II for a list of local dial up numbers. Enter your local number into the box and press OK. Go to Settings->Communications. If you have a 14.4 modem, set your baud rate at 9600. If you have a faster modem set the baud rate at 19200. The Data Bits should be set at 8. The stop Bits should be set at 1. The parity should be set at None. Flow Control should be set to Hardware. Connector should be set to Com2. Go to Setting->Modem Commands. Erase the line in the Originate field. Press OK. Go to Phone->Dial. You should hear your modem begin dailing. If you do not hear your modem dialing, try setting your com port to Com1 in Settings-Communications. HERE WE GO When your modem connects to RAIN you will be prompted for your login. Type in your login id in lowercase and then press enter. You will then be prompted for your password. Enter in your password now followed by pressing enter. If for some reason you keep getting "Invalid Login", give us a call at 899-4695 and we will do our best to help you out. Once in, you will see a nice menu of choices. Type an exclamation point "!" to exit the menu. This is similar to leaving Windows and getting to the DOS prompt. At the coyote% prompt, enter: cd /home/u1/ftp/pub/win This changes the directory on RAIN to the correct directory. Then enter sz rainsock.exe ****WINDOWS TERMINAL USERS*** You should type "sx rainsock.exe" for best results. This tells the computer to send the file to your computer. ***NOTE: Some communication programs need for you to tell it that you want to receive a file. Read your manual on how to download files for more information. ***WINDOWS TERMINAL USERS*** Go to Transfers->Recieve Binary Files and type in the word rainsock.exe in the filespace to the left. Press OK. Now go make a sandwich, and watch TV. It's going to be a while. When it is done type the word "logout" at the coyote% prompt. Now quit out of your communications program and start up windows. Windows Terminal users should close the Terminal program at this point. If you do not have the sysedit icon in your MAIN program group follow these simple instructions: Single click the on the word MAIN at the top of the group to highlight it. Now go to File->New and select "Program Item". Now select "Browse". A new window will appear. On the right side of the window double click on the System Folder. Now scroll down the files on the left side until you see "sysedit.exe" and double click on it. Now press OK. Now we must edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file so our path statement points to a directory we will be creating shortly. Double click on your new "sysedit" icon. Lots of new windows will appear. The top one should be your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Position the cursor at the end of the PATH line and type ;c:\trumpet Make sure there is no spaces separating the line. Your path should look somewhat like this: path c:\dos;c:\windows;c:\trumpet Your path statemnet may have more items on it than this example. Now close the sysedit window and choose YES to save the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 1. Open File Manager which is usually found in the MAIN program group click on the C:\ at the top of the left window. It should now be highlighted. Go to File->Create Directory and type "trumpet" and press OK. Again go to File->Create Directory and type "netscape" and press OK. Again go to File->Create Directory and type "test" and press OK. Again go to File->Create Directory and type "internet" and press OK. Now click on the "internet" directory you just created. Again go to File->Create Directory and type "eudora" and press OK. Again go to File->Create Directory and type "Winvn" and press OK. Again go to File->Create Directory and type "html" and press OK. 2. Now go to File->Search and enter "rainsock.exe". The computer will now find the program and bring up a new window stating where the file is. Now single click on the file and HOLD DOWN on the mouse button. Move the file on top of the 'trumpet' directory folder on the left side of the File Manager window. You may have to move the Search Results window so you can see the 'trumpet' directory folder. Once on top of the folder let go of the button to drop the file into its new home. It should ask you if you really want to move this file to c:\trumpet. Click on yes. If it gives you another directory beside c:\trumpet select NO and try again. 3. It will now ask you if you want to update the search, select NO and close the Search Results window. Now click on the trumpet directory folder and double click on the 'rainsock.exe' file in the right window. It will now uncompress several files. 4. Now click on the 'internet' directory that you created earlier. Go to File->Create Directory and enter "wsftp" and press OK. Now press on the 'trumpet' folder and single click AND hold down the button on the file "FTP_ZIP.EXE" Drag the file on top of the newly created WSFTP directory and release the button. Make sure you are moving the file to c:\internet\wsftp and select YES. 5. Click on the WSFTP directory and double click on the file "ftp_zip.exe" and it will uncompress more files. 6. Close file manager and go to File->New and select Program Group. Enter in the title "Internet" in the Description field and press Enter. Once Again go to File->New and this time select Program Item. Select Browse. On the right side of the window double click on c:\ Now scroll down to the trumpet directory and double click on it. On the left side of the window, double click on the file "tcpman.exe". Now select OK. Once again go to File->New and select Program Item. Select Browse. Double click on the c:\ and scroll down to the Internet directory and double click on it. Now double click on the "wsftp" directory and finally double click on the file "ws_ftp.exe" and press OK. You now have the minimum software to connect to the internet uncompressed and in the proper directories with a new program group and two new program items on your computer. Nice Job! Now go to the kitchen, fix yourself a snack and come back in a hour and we'll set up the software so it will run properly. ______________________________________ ________| Part II |_______ \ | | / \ | Configuring Trumpet Winsock | / / |______________________________________| \ /__________) (_________\ Setting Up Trumpet Winsock. 1. Double click on the tcpman icon to open it. 2. Open the Dialler menu (it isn't mispelled; the software was written in Australia :-) ) and select '1 setup.cmd' at the bottom of the menu. 3. Answer the four questions with the necessary information. 3.1) phone number: Choose the phone number you wish to call. Santa Barbara, Goleta, Carpinteria, Montecito (28.8) 805-882-2260 (14.4) 805-899-8600 Ventura, Ojai, Camarillo, Oxnard (28.8) 805-650-5379 (14.4) 805-650-5354 Filmore, Santa Paula (14.4) 805-659-1209 Thousand Oaks, Simi, Moorpark, Agoura Hills Canoga Park, Conejo Valley, Northridge (28.8) 805-230-2300 Newbury Park, West Lake Village 3.2) userid: your rain user id (ie: grapple, rjordan, lsmith). **IMPORTANT NOTES:** * DO NOT PUT 'ppp:' IN FRONT OF IT! We have already done this for you. * Be sure to use lowercase. * If you have downloaded Trumpet Winsock from somewhere OTHER than RAIN, you will need enter your userid with the ppp: before your userid. (ie: ppp:grapple, ppp:rjordan ) 3.3) password: your login password (case sensitive) 3.4) modem initialization string: The default modem initialization string, at&f&c1&k3s7=60, works extremely well for most modems. If it doesn't work with your particular modem, refer to your modem manual for the correct initialization string or you can just leave it blank. **NOTE** DO NOT place the AT or Z commands in the initialization string. We have done this for you. 4. Open the File menu and select SETUP from the pull-down menu. In the SLIP Port text box, enter the number of the com port on which your modem is installed. The default is com 2. If you don't know, leave it at two. Now enter your baud rate. The default is 57600. If your modem supports V.42 compression, multiply your modem speed by four to get your baud rate. ie: 14.4 X 4 = 57.6 = 57600 Baud Rate. 28.8 X 4 = 115.2 = 115200 Baud Rate. Leave all other addresses as they are; they are set up for RAIN. ***IMPORTANT NOTES*** If you have downloaded Trumpet Winsock from somewhere OTHER than RAIN, you will need to enter the correct settings here for RAIN. IP address Netmask Default Gateway (see note) Name server Time Server (leave blank) Domain Suffix rain.org Packet Vector (see note) MTU 576 TCP RWIN 4608 MSS 536 Demand Load Timeout (secs) 5 TCP RTO MAX 60 The Internal PPP box should be checked. The Online Status Detection should be set to NONE. The Hardware Handshake box should be checked. The Van Jacobson CSLIP compression should NOT be checked. NOTE: These only apply to direct network connections, not dialup via modem like RAIN. That's why they are grayed out when you select internal PPP. The values have no effect when you are using dialup PPP. 5. Exit Trumpet and then exit windows and RESET your computer. Now select the Trumpet icon and it should automatically begin to dial into rain. 6. If nothing happens, your port may be wrong or Trumpet is not set up to automatically dial when it starts. Go to Dialler->options and make sure the "Automatic Login on Startup Only" box is Checked. If it is and still nothing happens, try entering a new value in your Slip Port setting in the File->Setup window. If you get a dial tone and ERROR on your screen or if you connect and then get disconnected, your initialization string may be the culprit. Try using a different one until you get through. Sometimes just leaving it blank works. If RAIN is busy, Trumpet will continue to redial to RAIN every few seconds until the sun turns into a red giant and engulfs the earth in flames. ;) 7. If your connection gets through just fine you will see CONNECTED/14400/ Then you will get a temporary IP Address and a few other words on screen. Congratulations! You made it! 8. When done, close each individual program first, then close Trumpet by opening the Dialler menu and selecting Bye from the pull-down menu. You may have to press the escape key a few times to clear the connection before closing the window. ______________________________________ ________| Part III |_______ \ | Downloading Netscape | / \ | and other programs from RAIN | / / |______________________________________| \ /__________) (_________\ 1) Double click on your WS_FTP icon. If you haven't already logged in to RAIN, it will start to log you in. The first time you run this program it will ask you for your email address. Enter it in. ie) grapple@rain.org 2) You will now see the Session Profile window. Click NEW Click on the Profile name and type RAIN FTP SITE. Click on Host Name and type in lowercase rain.org Check the Anonymous Login Box. Click on Remote Host and type /pup/win Click on SAVE. Click on OK and it will connect you to RAINs ftp sight. 3. You should now be in the /pub/win directory of RAINs ftp sight. Single click on the file INDEX. Now click on the VIEW button on the right window to see the file. This file contains a list of all the files in the directory. We are going to set you up with the basic tools to start out with. After you understand the programs and feel comfortable on the internet, you may wish to install a different mail program, upgrade the one you currently have or just add new programs. This INDEX will tell you what programs we currently have here on RAIN. Here's the basic set we will start you off with. . The pkunzip utilities (WinZip) -- winzip60.exe . A Web browser (Netscape) -- n16e11n.exe . An email application (Eudora) -- eudor144.exe . A newsreader (WinVN) -- winvn16.zip . An HMTL writter -- hw9b3all.zip 4. To download a file, simple double click on the file. The file is then placed in your c:\internet\wsftp directory. The current directory of your system is at the top of the left window. Double click on all the filenames we listed just above this paragraph. 5. Once you have downloaded the files you need, log off. See step #8 in "setting up Trumpet Winsock" if you need help on logging off. Open File Manager again and click on the c:\internet\ws_ftp directory. The new files you have downloaded should appear in the right window. 6. Double click on winzip60.exe. Change the directory from c:\temp to c:\test and select OK. Select OK when asked about the new directory c:\winzip. Select the express setup. Now Close Winzip. 7. Now we want to erase the files it wrote in the c:\test directory by single clicking on the test directory and then going to File->Select files, press select, press close, press the delete key, Press OK, Press "Yes to All". Press "Yes to All" again. Poof! All gone. Sometimes you need to unzip a program into a temporary directory and then run its setup program so it can install its self into the proper directory. Other files can just be unzipped in their directory. HOW CAN YOU TELL? If any of the files have an underscore mark "_" as the third letter in its extension, It's a safe bet you will need to run a setup program to completely install this program. When you first select a file using Winzip you can view the files and note if any of the files contain the underscore. 8. We know from experience that the Netscape file needs a temp directory. click and HOLD down on the button on n16e11n.exe and drag above the "test" directory and release the button. Press OK. Now click on the test directory and double click on n16e11n.exe. Once it is done, click on the c:\ on the left window and then click again on the test directory. Take note how some of the files have the underscore in their extension. Now click on "setup.exe" and it will walk you through the installation. You will want to install it in the C:\netscape directory. It will ask where it should put the new netscape Icon, scroll through the listing and choose "internet". 9. When it is done installing, you can erase the setup files in your c:\test directory by single clicking on the test directory and then going to File->Select files, press select, press close, press the delete key, Press OK, Press "Yes to All". Press "Yes to All" Poof! All gone. 10. Now click on the ws_ftp folder and then SINGLE click on the eudor152.zip file. Go to File->Associate and the press OK. This now associates all files with the extension of .zip to the WINZIP program. 11. Now double click on the eudor152.zip filename and WinZip should pop up. Note how none of the extensions have an underscore as their third letter. It's OK to unzip this file to it's proper directory. Press Extract. Another window will pop up. Select the internet directory in the window. Now select the eudora directory. In the upper left hand corner of the window it should read c:\internet\eudora and right below it you should place the black dot next to "All files" Now press the Extract button to remove the files from the zip to it's proper directory. When it is done, click Open, double click on the filename winvn16.zip and Press extract. Select the internet directory in the window. Now select the winvn directory. Press extract. When it is done, click Open, double click on the filename hw9b3all.zip and Press extract. Select the internet directory in the window. Now select the html directory. Press extract. 12. Now we will want to delete the zip files that we no longer need. Click on the ws_ftp directory folder. Go to File->Select Files and type *.zip in the box. Press Select. Press Close. Press the delete key. Press OK. Press "Yes to All". Press "Yes to All". 13. Close File Manager and open the Internet window. Go to File->New and select program item. Select Browse. Press on the C:\ Then press Internet, Press Eudora, select the eudora.exe file in the left window press ok. Press OK. Repeat this procedure for WinVN and HTMLWritter. Congratulation! You now have managed to successfully log in, download files, unzipped them into their proper location and created icons for them. Time for another break. Next we will setup all the groovy software you have downloaded and then get back on the internet to "Surf the Web". ______________________________________ ________| Part IV |_______ \ | | / \ | Configuring Other Programs | / / |______________________________________| \ /__________) (_________\ As you will see, the setup for the different programs are all pretty similar. Once you see how it is done to one, the same really applies to the other million programs that do the similar function. All newsreaders, for example, need to have the mailservers(SMTP) and newsservers(NNTP). These values will be the same in each program. *WARNING* When you open some of these programs, you will be automatically logged in to RAIN. If you do not wish this to happen, open Tcpman, press the escape key to stop the login, goto dialler, select options and move the black dot to No Automatic Logins. All of the programs in our basic set are described below as well as Ewan, Free Agent, and Chamelleon. For information on how to set up a program that is not listed here, ask in the rain.local.help newsgroup. NETSCAPE SETUP (Browswer,Mail,News) 1. Open Options menu and select Preferences. In the pull down menu at the top, select Mail and News. 2. Enter Mail (SMTP) server mail.rain.org News (NNTP) server news.rain.org The other settings are all optional. EUDORA SETUP (Mail) 1. Open the Special Menu and select settings. 2. Fill in the fields with: Getting Started POP Account (your e-mail address, e.g., iggy@rain.org) Real Name (your "real" name) Personal Information Return Address Leave it blank unless you want your mail to be returned to you at a different address. Hosts SMTP: mail.rain.org Everything else is either optional or personal preferences. To check your mail go to File->Check Mail WINVN SETUP (News) WHen it first starts up it will ask you to choose names for two files. Just press OK. It will say the does not exsist. Create it? Press OK. Then the Communications Options menu pops up. Fill in the following fields: NNTP Server news.rain.org TCP port nntp You can leave the Authorization Information blank. SMTP Server mail.rain.org Mailtransport * Use SMTP Press OK. Now the Personal Information Menu is displayed. Enter your name and e-mail address. Press OK. It will then try to connect to the news server. HTML WRITTER. Select File, Select New. Enter the title "test" Select Options->Test Useing and select Netscape. I believe you will have to do this each time you open a document and wish to view it. It will not know where netscape is and you will have to point out that it is in the C:\netscape directory. You will have to do that only once. CHAMELEON (Browswer,Mail,News) Host Name (leave blank) Domain Name rain.org Interface Type PPP User Name ppp: (Note: the "ppp:" is necessary to establish a PPP connection to RAIN. Otherwise, you connect to the shell). Password (your password) Name Servers Mail Gateway mail.rain.org Mail Server rain.org Mailbox Name (your login ID) Mailbox Password (your RAIN password) If the script (Chameleon calls it "chat") doesn't work, try this: SCRIPT=ogin: $u$r word: $p$r -I FREE AGENT SETUP (News) 1. Open the File menu and select Preferences..... 2. Choose the User Profile tab. 3. Enter your email address (e.g., iggy@rain.org) and your name. 4. Select the System Profile tab. 5. Enter News Server news.rain.org Email Server mail.rain.org EWAN Setup (Telnet) 1. To create a telnet session for RAIN, open the File menu and select New. 2. Enter Name RAIN Network address or host name rain.org Service (port) (leave as telnet) 3. Open the Options menu and select Configuration. 4. Click on the Emulation.... button and select DEC VT-100 5. Click on Emul. Options 6. Change the Emulation Name to VT100 7. Click OK 8. Open File and select Save ______________________________________ ________| Part V |_______ \ | | / \ | Common Errors | / / |______________________________________| \ /__________) (_________\ If you get a warning that the file CTL3DV2.DLL is incorrectly installed: Open File Manager, go to File->Search and enter "ctl3dv2.dll" for the filename. Make sure the starting directory is "c:\" and the 'Search All Directories' box is checked. Press OK. When the Search Results window pops up, you should see there is more than ONE file. This is what is confusing windows. Go to View and click on All File Details. Now you should be able to see a path next to each files saying where it is on your hard disk. You want to keep the one in c:\windows\system. Any others you want to delete. This should solve this error. ______________________________________ ________| Part VI |_______ \ | | / \ | So Now WHAT? | / / |______________________________________| \ /__________) (_________\ Now that you have these great programs and they are set correctly, you're ready to hit the beach and start surfing. You can start by double clicking on the Netscape icon. This will log you in and then pop up the NETSCAPE HOME PAGE. Try putting "www.rain.org" into the 'Location' at the top of the window and pressing ENTER check out what's new here at RAIN. You will notice the tcpman is minimized in the bottom left corner. DO NOT close down tcpman. It is the connection to the internet and must remain open. You could then double click on Endora and then go to FILE->Check New Mail to see if you have mail, or you can send me mail. ;) You should also fire up your newsreader and read rain.local.general and rain.local.help to see what's going on there. Other newsgroups which may not seem interesting but are of great importance are: news.questions -> This is where every FAQ is posted. Keep an eye out and you will see something you might like. Sure, you may not want to read the alt.lemurs FAQ, but you should read the Welcome To Usenet FAQ that pops up ever other week. It will take some time to get used to how to use each program and how the internet works in general. If you are new to the net, you have some required reading to do. Point your netscape browers to http://www.rain.org/~grapple And read all the info there. ______________________________________ ________| Part VII |_______ \ | | / \ | How to Contact Member Support | / / |______________________________________| \ /__________) (_________\ Email: help@rain.org USENET: rain.local.help, rain.local.general Phone Numbers: Rain Membership Services (805) 899-4695 Office Hours: Tue-Fri 12noon-4pm Account and Billing Questions (805) 967-1050 Camp Internet and Non-Profit Agency information (805) 967-RAIN Business Services (805) 899-8699 Direct Faxes (805) 967-2420 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Trumpet Winsock you are using is currently distributed as shareware. You may use the Trumpet Winsock for 30 days to evaluate its usefulness. If at the end of that time you are satisfied with the Trumpet Winsock as a product, you should register it. On receipt of your registration, you will receive a password which will remove the UNREGISTERED VERSION notice and replace it with your registration name. The basic registration fee for a single user version of the Trumpet Winsock is US$25. We accept MASTERCARD, VISA, BANKCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS and DINERS CLUB. Credit card details may be given by e-mail, fax or telephone. Trumpet Winsock Version 2.0 has a "Send Registration" option which will automatically post encrypted credit card details to Trumpet Software International. Select File->Register to take advantage of this feature. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This document was put together from three different files made by Greeg Goff(ggof) and Larry(elw). I have squashed them together, and added a few keystrokes, but I thank both Larry and Greeg for placing the foundation for me to work with. grapple@rain.org (Feb 1, 1996)