IPNetSentry Command Syntax

Set Commands















Trigger Commands


Filter Commands


The IPNetSentry Config file is a text file which resides in your Preferences folder. It is this file which is loaded by the IPNetSentry FBA each time it is started and tells IPNetSentry how it should be configured.

In most cases, we recommend that users configure this file through the use of the Web assistant (which works through your browser). This makes configuration easy and ensures that the command syntax is correct. You can get to the Web assistant by simply clicking the "Configure" button in the IPNetSentry Companion application.

There are times, however, when you may wish to manually edit this file. That is the purpose of this document: to outline and explain IPNetSentry configuration commands and syntax. After manually editing this file, the file creator type may change to that of the text editor you are using. This is not a problem, since IPNetSentry does not check the file creator type (it only loads a file named "IPNetSentry Config". You can, if desired, return the creator to IPNetSentry by using ResEdit. The file creator type for IPNetSentry is "NScp".

SET COMMANDS - used to set variables within the IPNetSentry FBA


sets the time in seconds that an aged filter is enforced after a trigger is hit

number is any numeric value



sets the notification method after a trigger is hit. Logging always occurs for any trigger event.

Starting with IPNetSentry v1.0c3, you can designate multiple notification methods (on separate lines). Starting with IPNetSentry v1.0c5 you can also designate per trigger type notification. (see triggers below).

notification_method is one of the following options:

  • none
  • alert (displays an alert with trigger info)
  • browser (takes your browser to a page at Sustworks.com which gives you detailed info about the intrusion)
  • both (alert and browser. Browser is conditionally invoked IF you hold down the Shift key when you click OK to the alert button)
  • applescript (applescript is invoked when an intrusion is detected. AppleScript name is required - see below).
  • syslog (a syslog message is sent to a designated syslog server with a UDP message on port 514. Syslog server IP address or Domain Name is required - see below).



sets the name of the AppleScript which is to be invoked when an intrusion occurs. AppleScript must be Run-Only application and reside in Preferences folder.

name_of_applescript is the name of your Run-Only AppleScript




sets the IP Address or the domain name of a designated Syslog server

ip_address_or_name_of_syslog_server is the IP Address or the name of the Syslog server




sets the logging mode for IPNetSentry

mode_of_logging is one of the following options:

  • normal (just trigger events are logged)
  • detailed (a detailed log is kept, including startup, reset, and trigger events. The log is persistant and not overwritten when the IPNetSentry FBA restarts).
  • reset (same as detailed BUT the log is reset each time the IPNetSentry FBA restarts).



turns filter logging on or off. IPNetSentry can log packets which arrive and matching existing filter entries. A use for filter logging would be to watch if a remote intruder kept hitting your machine even after the intruder was blocked by IPNetSentry (with the 32 bit filter).

Filter logging is OFF by default (with no command entered in the IPNetSentry config file).

filter_logging_mode is one of the following options:

  • on (matching filter events are logged).
  • on no broadcast (matching filter events are logged, but NOT from broadcast datagrams (destination address is
  • off (matching filter events are not logged).



sets the logging mode for IPNetSentry and Who's There Firewall Advisor

mode_of_firewall_logging is one of the following options:

  • normal (trigger events are logged. The log is persistant and not overwritten when the IPNetSentry FBA restarts).
  • reset (same as detailed BUT the log is reset each time the IPNetSentry FBA restarts).



sets the hex dump feature to on. When the hex dump feature is on, and a datagram arrives which matches a filter (or trigger), the entire datagram IP header is dumped in the log file in hexadecimal format (for manaul analysis). This feature is primarily used to identify datagrams which arrive but are not automatically recognized as being IPv4 datagrams of known protocols.

IP Header format is specified in RFC 791 and is summarized as follows:

 0                   1                   2                   3   
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |Version|  IHL  |Type of Service|          Total Length         |
   |         Identification        |Flags|      Fragment Offset    |
   |  Time to Live |    Protocol   |         Header Checksum       |
   |                       Source Address                          |
   |                    Destination Address                        |
   |                    Options                    |    Padding    |


sets the default port on which IPNetSentry aged filters will be invoked. This is important for IPNetRouter users who are sharing a PPP connection since the public port (PPP) is not the primary interface.

Normally this command does not have to be used.

port_name is any valid port name on your machine



sets a subnet which will be excluded from invoking triggers (even if a machine on this subnet hits a trigger). This command would be useful if

  • you do not want client machines on your private IPNetRouter subnet to cause unnecessary triggers.
  • there is a remote machine (e.g. office) with a static IP address for which you always want to give access to your home machine. You do not want this office machine to accidently hit a trigger on the home machine, thereby banning this remote machine from any access.


You can exclude up to 5 different subnets (use this command multiple times). The_excluded_subnet is an IP address and mask suffix which specifies the subnet




sets the maximum log size. When IPNetSentry starts, it checks the current size of the log file (IPNetSentry.log and IPNetSentry_FA.log). If either file size exceeds the size set with this command, you are alerted to this fact. The default log size is 1000 KBytes (if this command is not used).

This command does not have to be used.

max_size_in_KBytes is the maximum log size in KBytes



sets the time in seconds that a denial of service type attack will be measured. Used in conjunction with the denial_of_service_events parameter. (see below)

This command does not have to be used.

dos_measured_interval is the time in seconds that a Denial of Service type attack will be measured.



sets the number of events which determines a denial of service type attack. Used in conjunction with the denial_of_service_interval parameter.

This command does not have to be used.

dos_measured_interval is the time in seconds that a Denial of Service type attack will be measured


A Denial of Service (DoS) type attack is essentially a remote machine (or machines) bombarding your machine with so many incoming datagrams that no other valid traffic can pass.

How IPNetSentry detects a DoS attack: Once a filter is invoked by a trigger (or manually configured), IPNetSentry will receive a message when an incoming datagram matches a filter. As an intruder continues to hit your machine with datagrams, even though they are prevented from accessing your machine, IPNetSentry silently counts the number of packets received. If the number of incoming packets from a remote IP address exceeds the specified denial of service events in the specified interval (denial of service interval) then you are notified of a possible Denial of Service attack. Further logging of these filter events is also prevented (for this single remote IP address). This prevents a DoS attacker from filling your log file with filter entries.

Example calculation of possible DoS attack parameters:

DoS parameters depend on your Internet connection speed (incoming). It takes more datagrams per second to flood a cable or DSL modem connection than it does to flood a 56K analog modem connection.

Cable modem example:

Assume our cable modem download speed is 768 kb/s (kilobits/second). 768 kb/s x 1 Byte/8 bits = 96 KB/s

96 KB/s x 1000 Bytes/1 KB x 1 datagram/1500 Bytes = 64 datagrams/s

(1500 bytes is the typical Maximum Transmission Unit size for a cable/DSL/ADSL modem)

This tells us that we could set our parameters for 64 denial of service events (datagrams) every 1 second. But 1 second is a little too short of a period to accurately get a measurement. 10 seconds would be a much better period over which to measure and truly give us solid indication of a DoS type attack. This would equate to:

64 datagrams/1 sec = 640 datagrams/10 secs

Rounding down (to make our DoS trigger a bit more sensitive than the theoretical maximum), we get:



56K Analog modem example:

Assume our analog modem download speed is 44 kb/s (kilobits/second). 44 kb/s x 1 Byte/8 bits = 5.5 KB/s

5.5 KB/s x 1000 Bytes/1 KB x 1 datagram/500 Bytes = 11 datagrams/s

(500 bytes is the typical Maximum Transmission Unit size for an analog modem).

This tells us that we could set our parameters for 11 denial of service events (datagrams) every 1 second. But 1 second is a little too short of a period to accurately get a measurement. 10 seconds would be a much better period over which to measure and truly give us solid indication of a DoS type attack. This would equate to:

11 datagrams/1 sec = 110 datagrams/10 secs

Rounding down (to make our DoS trigger a bit more sensitive than the theoretical maximum), we get:




sets a payload inspection type trigger. This command is mainly used to detect worms and other viruses (e.g. Code Red Worm). It does this by examing the payload portion of a datagram for a specific character pattern (through the first 64 bytes of a datagram).

This command does not have to be used.

protoocol: tcp, udp, gre, etc.

port: 1 -65535

log_block: on or off. Setting this tells IPNetSentry if it should continue logging incoming blocked packets (after the payload inspection criteria is met). On will continue to logged blocked packets from the intruding IP address. Off will not continue to logged blocked packets from the intruding IP address.

offset: how many 4 byte units (words) from the beginning of the packet datagram the inspection routine should start looking for the special character pattern. The beginning of the packet datagram starts at the beginning of the packet header. The payload (actual data) begins at offset 6 (24 bytes from the start of the datagram). The offset is used to increase the performance of the inspection routine (no need to search the IP header for the character pattern).

inspection_string: the character pattern which is being sought. When found (within the first 64 bytes of the datagram), the inspection criteria is met and a filter is invoked against the source IP address.

notification_string: the string which will appear in the notification alert, log, apple event, etc. when the inspection routine detects a match.

notification_method: one of the following options:

  • none
  • alert (displays an alert with trigger info)
  • browser (takes your browser to a page at Sustworks.com which gives you detailed info about the intrusion)
  • both (alert and browser. Browser is conditionally invoked IF you hold down the Shift key when you click OK to the alert button)
  • applescript (applescript is invoked when an intrusion is detected. AppleScript name is required - see below).
  • syslog (a syslog message is sent to a designated syslog server with a UDP message on port 514. Syslog server IP address or Domain Name is required - see below).

When no notifcation_method is specified in the command, the default notification method is used.


The above example is the payload inspection command used to detect the Code Red Worm.

TRIGGER COMMANDS - used to set the triggers within the IPNetSentry FBA


invokes a trigger for a specified protocol and port. The protocol and port define a service, for which you can give it a name. You can set up to 60 different triggers in a single configuration.

protocol is TCP, UDP or ICMP

port is any port between 1-65535. For ICMP the port is the Type

service is the service name defined by the protocol and port (type)

optional_notification is a specific notification action desired for this specific trigger. This optional setting overrides the default trigger notification mechanism specified in the #set/notification_type command.


FILTER COMMANDS - used to set static filters within the IPNetSentry FBA


invokes a static filter within the IPNetSentry FBA. This is mostly used to permit specified remote machines access to your machine. Setting up static filters can be complex. If you do decide to build your own filters, please understand each of the parameters above.

port is the port on which the filter will be applied. Normally you would designate this as "Default_Interface", although any other valid port name could be used.

direction is either Rcv or Snd. For IPNetSentry this field is normally set to Rcv.

action is Pass, Block, Trigger, or Log

protocol can be TCP, UDP, ICMP, GRE or * (* is a wildcard for all protocols).

ack is a TCP acknowledge flag and can be set to 1, 0, or *. Normally this is set to *

source_net is the source network address and mask suffix for the filter (filtering on the condition "which IP address or network did packets originated").

source_ports are the source ports for the filter (filtering on the condition "from which ports did packets originate").

destination_net is the destination network address and mask suffix for the filter (filtering on the condition "for which IP address or network are packets destined").

destination_ports are the destination ports for the filter (filtering on the condition "for which ports are the packets destined").

When configuring IPNetSentry for exclusive access, you actually have to configure two separate filters. The first filter (lowermost) blocks all incoming packets for a specific service. The second filter (uppermost) passes all incoming packets from a specified source network.


Permitting access to your machine for Apple Filesharing over TCP/IP from a specific remote machine at IP address

IF you had another remote machine that you wished to give access to this same service, then you only need to add another Pass filter (since the Block filter would already be in place):

Log all incoming ICMP datagrams:

Log all outgoing HTTP datagrams

Copyright 2001 by Sustainable Softworks.