============================================= EUDORA PRO FOR WINDOWS VERSION 3.0.5, 16- and 32-bit FREE MAINTENANCE UPGRADE FROM 3.0 AND 3.0.x ============================================= This upgrade of Eudora Pro for Windows is only for Eudora Pro 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, and 3.0.3 users. You will not be able to install this upgrade unless you have Eudora Pro for Windows version 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, or 3.0.3 on your PC. (There is no Eudora Pro for Windows version 3.0.4.) This README provides information on the following topics: - Minimum Requirements - Installation - New Features and Changes - Bug Fixes - Bug Reports - Requests for Features - License and Legal Information ---------------------- MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ---------------------- To install and use Eudora Pro, you must have the following: - IBM PC or compatible. - Microsoft Windows 3.1 for 16-bit version; Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.5 or above for 32-bit version. - WinSock 1.1 API-compliant networking package (not needed for serial connection). - A mail account with an Internet Service Provider or an Internet-style network. - Access to your mail account via a modem (9600 BPS or higher recommended) or Internet-style network connection. -------------- INSTALLATION -------------- To install Eudora Pro, do the following: 1. Exit any applications you are running. 2. If you are installing from a software archive, double-click on it to start the Setup program. 3. Read the Welcome screen, then click the Next button. The Software License Agreement is displayed. 4. Read the Software License Agreement and click Next. You can also save and/or print the Agreement by selecting its text, entering Ctrl-C to copy it to the clipboard, and then pasting into a text processing application such as Notepad. 5. Select the version of the software that you want to install, 16- or 32-bit. Based on the operating system and connectivity software that you are running, the Setup program recommends an appropriate version. 6. Specify a directory to install Eudora, then click Next. 7. Verify that the displayed settings are correct, then click Next (or use the Back button if you need to go back and make changes). 8. Eudora is installed in the destination directory, and you are prompted for whether or not you want to view the README file. -------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND CHANGES -------------------------- Listed below are all the new features, changes, and bug fixes since version 3.0, all of which are included in this upgrade. 3.0.4 isn't mentioned in this list, as there is no Eudora Pro 3.0.4 for Windows. ----------------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND CHANGES IN 3.0.5 ----------------------------------- Auto-configuration (32-bit only) -------------------------------- Auto-configuration support, using the Internet standard Application Configuration Access Protocol (ACAP), has been added to Eudora. ACAP is a client/server protocol which allows Eudora to retrieve configuration settings from a central server. These settings include the ones that must be set up in order for you to start sending and receiving e-mail, such as the name of your POP account and SMTP host. This saves you from having to enter all of that information yourself. In order for you to use auto-configuration, your system administrator or service provider must have set up a central server with your personal settings. You can then download those settings whenever you like; typically you would do so only when first starting to use Eudora, but you can do so at any later time if you want to restore your settings to their original values. To download your settings, open the Options dialog under the Tools menu and click on the Auto-Configure icon. Fill in the Server Name, User Name, and Password fields; your system administrator or service provider should have told you what to enter in these fields. Clicking on the Retrieve Settings Now button will cause your settings to be downloaded from the ACAP server. The following ACAP-related information should be of use primarily to system administrators and/or service providers. If the switch UseACAPServer=1 is present in Eudora.ini, then when Eudora is first launched (actually any time Eudora is launched without a POP account having been specified), the Auto-Configure panel of the Options dialog comes up. In the absence of that switch, the Options dialog's Getting Started panel would come up instead. The name of the ACAP server can be specified in Eudora.ini, so that the user doesn't have to type it in, by inserting a switch of the form ACAPServer=servername (replacing "servername" by the actual name, of course). Similarly, a switch of the form ACAPUserID=username can be used to specify the user name to be passed to the ACAP server. The port ID used in communicating with the ACAP server can be specified in Eudora.ini by inserting a switch of the form ACAPPort=portnumber. The default is port 674. You can obtain detailed information on setting up an ACAP server to support Eudora clients on the Eudora web site. Go to http://www.eudora.com/techsupport, click on the "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)" link, and then click on the "Automatic Initial Configuration with ACAP" link. The upcoming version 2.0 release of the Eudora WorldMail server will support auto-configuration of Eudora clients. Authentication style and personalities -------------------------------------- Authentication style has been added to the set of information that goes with a personality. RPA authentication (16-bit) --------------------------- RPA has been added as an authentication style; this shows up in the Checking Mail panel of the Options dialog under the Tools menu. Checking this authentication style allows you to download messages from a CompuServe POP3 server. This feature has been available in in the 32-bit version of Eudora starting with version 3.0.3. Pre-configuring the POP server ------------------------------ System administrators can now pre-configure Eudora by putting the POP server name in Eudora.ini, so that the user only needs to add his or her account name. If the POPAccount switch in Eudora.ini is of the form POPAccount=domainname or POPAccount=@domainname, then when Eudora is launched it will bring up the Getting Started panel of the Options dialog, and the POP account field will show whatever domain name is in the POPAccount switch. (Formerly, entering anything after POPAccount= in Eudora.ini would stop Getting Started from coming up automatically.) For example, suppose Eudora.ini says POPAccount=@xyz.qualcomm.com. When the user starts Eudora, Getting Started will automatically display, with @xyz.qualcomm.com in the POP account field, so that the user just needs to insert his or her account name at the start of that string. Enhanced third-party developer support -------------------------------------- Eudora plug-ins that run in the on-arrival context now operate on all messages, not just ones that are MIME formatted. See the web page for more information on Eudora plug-in development. Note for PGP 5.0 users (Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 only) ----------------------------------------------------------- The original PGP 5.0 is not compatible with Eudora Pro 3.0.5. If you previously installed PGP 5.0 and wish to continue using it with Eudora Pro 3.0.5, you need to install an updated version of PGP 5.0. If you're in the U.S. or Canada, you can download a Eudora Pro 3.0.5 updater with the new PGP 5.0 from the Eudora web site (http://www.eudora.com). -------------------- BUG FIXES IN 3.0.5 -------------------- * Very long names no longer cause a crash in directory services. * Now, when you set a filter to Print and no printer is connected, a divide error no longer occurs. * When you use the Print Range option, Eudora no longer prints blank pages. * When you change the POP account, Eudora now asks you for a new password. * The "Set a changed message back to read only" switch in the Extra Warnings section of the Options dialog is now working. * After you attach a document, you can now press the key to move the cursor from the Attached field to the body of the message. * Excerpt bars now completely disappear when you click the clear formatting button. * Misspelled words are now always highlighted on the screen. * The spell checker no longer misses words that are preceded or followed by a tab character. * Switching from Eudora to another application and back while the cursor is in the Eudora address book no longer causes Eudora to stop responding. * The address book now remembers the View By selection, instead of always reverting to View By Nickname when you close and re-open the address book. * When you read a message that contains a null character, you no longer see only the text that precedes the null. ----------------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND CHANGES IN 3.0.3 ----------------------------------- * In the Checking Mail dialog box (Tools, Options), an additional Authentication style, RPA (Remote Passphrase Authentication), has been added. This allows you to get your messages if they're on a server that requires authentication via RPA, such as a CompuServe POP server. Before you can use the RPA authentication style, you'll need to obtain a support module for RSA from your service provider. For example, for CompuServe you'll need the Virtual Key software, which can be downloaded from this Web site: . * A new pre-registration dialog box appears before the registration dialog box appears if you have not yet registered your Eudora software. * A Return Address field has been added to the Getting Started panel of the Options dialog box. Return Address is still in the Personal Info, Sending Mail, and Personalities panels of the Options dialog box. * A new Using Context Sensitive Help dialog box is displayed the first time you launch Eudora (or when the Eudora.ini file does not exist). This dialog box contains tips on using context- sensitive help in Eudora. You can read the same information at any time via Using Context Sensitive Help under the Help menu. * A new switch, WordWrapOnScreen, has been added to the [Settings] category in the Eudora.ini file. When word wrapping is enabled and when WordWrapOnScreen is set to 1, lines wrap in the composition window at the same positions as when the message is sent. (Otherwise, the width of the composition window determines where the lines appear to wrap.) This can occur only if you and your recipient's composition window is wide enough on both screens for the column width specified, and that you use a fixed-width font, such as Courier, to compose the message. To define the columns, the switch WordWrapOnScreen must be manually added to the Eudora.ini file and set to 1 (WordWrapOnScreen=1), and WordWrapColumn must be set to the column number you wish the text to wrap (WordWrapColumn=70 for 70 columns). ----------------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND CHANGES IN 3.0.2 ----------------------------------- Dragging the dump truck icon onto a folder icon in the mailbox list now causes the folder to open automatically. -------------------- BUG FIXES IN 3.0.2 -------------------- * X-attachment headers are now printing. * In the Mailbox menu, a folder name is no longer replaced by "Attach" or "Attach to New Message." * Data is no longer lost from large (62Kb or larger) message files sent via the command line. * The Extended CheckOwnerFreq now includes a startup code for Eudora to check for remote instances. * Plug-in queued properties are no longer ignored. * Eudora no longer crashes when a single message is translated multiple times in non-displayed context. * .MSG files having X-Attachment headers now honor the IDS_INI_TEXT_AS_DOC flag thus controlling text attachments included in the message body or sent as an attached file. * Handling of messages containing null characters has been fixed. * Eudora can now send messages with attachments via the command line. * There is no longer a plug-in-related assertion failure. * Data is no longer lost from messages with null characters in the body. * Attacher plug-ins are now working if the attachment directory had been changed from the default. -------------------- BUG FIXES IN 3.0.1 -------------------- * When you run the Make Address Book Entry command while the PH window is the active window, Eudora now displays a suggested nickname in the New Nickname dialog box. * Previous 32-bit versions of Eudora 3.X would always crash when using 32-bit Trumpet 3.0 unless you enabled both "use asynch calls" settings in Miscellaneous functions in Options from the Tools Menu. Eudora will now detect the use of blocking calls with the 32-bit Trumpet stack and protect against the crash. * Eudora now correctly handles mailto URLs with body keywords * MAPIReadMail now returns attachments. * MAPIReadMail now returns the proper status flags. * With an 8-bit character in the header, Eudora is now putting a space between the colon in the header name and the header content. * There is now no extraneous beep in the composition window. * The Find with summaries only function is now working correctly. * No error is generated when forwarding carbon copy (Fcc). * Now, when receiving mail on a disk with no available space, Eudora no longer causes mail to be lost. * Eudora now hides the URL for HTML links. * When using the MS Internet Explorer, and when you configure Eudora Pro as the mail application, click on the mailto URL that contains a space character, and Eudora no longer will truncate the URL at the first space. * The Eudora Address book now supports drag and drop between nickname files. * If you run the Copy function from the Edit menu on a TOC window selection that has hidden columns, the resulting clipboard data no longer includes data from the hidden columns. * Eudora no longer leaks screen resources (the 16-bit version would hang the system after enough restarts). * Eudora no longer GPFs on exit (32-bit version). * Attachment converted lines within Rich Text excerpts no longer get iconized. * Tab order in Change Queuing dialog is now logical. * Adding a nickname to a folder that has been "opened" now displays correctly. * The F2 key now maps to Rename in mailboxes and nicknames tree control. * The 16-bit address book now auto-wraps text. * Alt-key shortcuts for the header in a composition window now works. * Eudora MAPI DLLs now version checks with the Eudora executable. * MAPIResolveName now returns the resolved address in the lpszAddress field. * Sending a large message (30kb) via MAPI from a 16-bit client no longer crashes the MAPI DLL. * Eudora now handles "to," "cc," "bcc," and "subject" parameters in mailto URLs. * The Eudora Address book now has an open right panel button. * Eudora can now forward or redirect a message larger than 32K (16-bit version only). * Eudora can now download a message with a long GMT Offset such as EST5EDT4,M4.1.0, M10.5.0. * Eudora can now open or search a received message that contains a series of NULL bytes (the MBX file has been corrupted). * Eudora can now open or search a TOC file that contains corrupted indices. * Eudora can now copy more than 32kb from a TOC to the clipboard (16-bit version only). * Eudora can now use simple MAPI calls to scan an Inbox containing messages larger than 32Kb, can open an address book containing more than 32Kb of nicknames, or expand a nickname into an address list greater than 32Kb (16-bit version only). * 16-bit MAPI client applications such as MS Word can now use the 16-bit Eudora MAPI DLLs on messages greater than 32Kb. * There is no longer a toolbar conflict when running 32-bit Eudora Light on a EUDORA.INI file written by 32-bit Eudora Pro. * If "Automatically expand nicknames" is selected, and a message is created as a personality, the dominant's default domain is no longer used when tabbing out of header fields; rather the personality's default domain is now used. * OnRequest and OnDisplay Translators only translate 62k in the 16 bit version. * The Finish Nickname command (Ctrl+,) now works in the composition window (32-bit version). * The MAPI DLL no longer times out too early when launching Eudora. * The localized names for In/Out/Trash are now properly restored when the TOC is "repaired." * The Copy function from the Edit menu for TOC windows no longer writes Clipboard data with lines separated by a Linefeed character. This is now compatible with programs like Notepad that expect a Carriage Return/Linefeed pair. * Enabling the deletion of "automatic attachments" in the Attachments function from Options in the Tools Menu no longer deletes attachments created via the command line MSG file. ------------- BUG REPORTS ------------- If you experience something you think might be a bug in Eudora, please report it by sending a message to eudora-bugs@eudora.com. Describe what you did, what happened, what version of Eudora you have, any error messages Eudora gave (the numbers in parentheses ( ) are especially important), what kind of computer you have, which operating system you're using, and anything else you think might be relevant. You will receive an automated response indicating that your bug report has been received and forwarded to our engineering staff. Unless additional information is needed, you will not receive a direct response. ----------------------- REQUESTS FOR FEATURES ----------------------- From time to time, everyone comes up with an idea for something they'd like their software to do differently. This is true of all applications, no less Eudora. If you come across an idea that you think might make a nice enhancement to Eudora, your input is always welcome. Please send any suggestions or requests for new features to eudora-suggest@eudora.com. You will receive an automated response indicating that your suggestion has been received and forwarded to our engineering staff. Unless additional information is needed, you will not receive a direct response. ------------------------------- LICENSE AND LEGAL INFORMATION ------------------------------- The Eudora software and documentation are copyrighted, with all rights reserved. The Eudora software and other software and fonts accompanying your license (the "Software") may not be copied, except as otherwise provided in your software license or as expressly permitted in writing by QUALCOMM Incorporated. The Eudora Software for Windows was written by Jeff Beckley, Julia Blumin, Craig Lauer, Scott Manjourides, Keith McIntyre, Jackie Nichols, Benjamin Ogdon, Christina Sahhar, and Willie Sakai. The software and documentation are Copyright 1991-1997 by QUALCOMM Incorporated. All rights reserved. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Eudora (R) is a registered trademark of QUALCOMM Incorporated. Eudora Pro (TM) and Eudora Light (TM) are trademarks of QUALCOMM Incorporated. QUALCOMM is a registered trademark and registered service mark of QUALCOMM Incorporated. The Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine is copyright 1993 by Wintertree Software Inc. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Use of the Eudora software and other software and fonts accompanying your license (the "Software") and its documentation are governed by the terms set forth in your license. Such use is at your sole risk. The Software and its documentation (including this ReadMe), and QUALCOMM's software maintenance and extended maintenance, if applicable, are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind and QUALCOMM EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT. QUALCOMM DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED. FURTHERMORE, QUALCOMM DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR ITS DOCUMENTATION IN TERMS OF THEIR CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY QUALCOMM OR A QUALCOMM AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL QUALCOMM, ITS LICENSORS OR THEIR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF QUALCOMM OR A QUALCOMM AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY. In no event shall QUALCOMM's total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort, including negligence, or otherwise) exceed the amount paid for the Software and its documentation. 10/97