=========================================== EUDORA FOR WINDOWS, VERSION 4.3.2, BETA 6 =========================================== This is Beta 6 of Windows Eudora 4.3.2, a maintenance release of Eudora 4.3. NOTE: This is beta software. If you are not entirely comfortable using beta software, DO NOT install this version on your PC. We strongly recommend that BEFORE you install this software, you make a backup copy of your existing Eudora folder and put that copy in a separate area. Do not be alarmed if there is a big jump in beta build numbers; gaps exists because we create frequent internal builds. This is one of a series of beta releases of Eudora 4.3.2. As with any beta software, some features may not be fully implemented. If you find any problems with this software, please send us a bug report to our mailing list: eudora-bugs@qualcomm.com. This README provides information on the following topics: - Minimum Requirements - Installation - New Features in Eudora 4.3.x - Changes in Eudora - Notes Concerning Eudora and: * Apple QuickTime and * Microsoft Internet Explorer - If the "Speak" Filter Action is Grayed Out - Security Note - Bug Reports - Requests for Features - License and Legal Information ---------------------- MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ---------------------- To use Eudora for Windows Version 4.3.x, you must have the following: - IBM PC or compatible. - Microsoft Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0 or above. (note: it is recommended that you have the latest service pack for each operating system) - Winsock 1.1 API compliant networking package - A mail account with an Internet Service Provider - Access to your mail account via a modem or Internet-style network connection. --------------- INSTALLATION --------------- For our beta software, please do the following: To install Eudora: 1. Exit any applications you are running. 2. Run the Setup program. If Setup reports that there isn't enough disk space, and you think you have plenty (you should need no more than 15 megabytes free to install Eudora), remove everything you can from your C:\Temp and/or C:\Windows\Temp directory, reboot, and launch Setup once more. 3. Read the Welcome screen, then click the Next button. 4. Read the Software License Agreement, and if you agree to the terms, click Yes. You can save the Agreement by selecting its text, pressing Ctrl-C to copy it, and then pasting it into Notepad. 5. Qualcomm's PureVoice Voice Player/Recorder application is installed along with Eudora. 6. Specify a directory to install Eudora, then click Next. Note: It is strongly recommended that you install the beta into a clean empty directory. 7. Verify the settings, then click Next. 8. Eudora is installed in the destination directory. 9. It will ask if you want to place a shortcut to Eudora on your desktop. 10. We recommend that you look at the Eudora README file which I guess you must be if you got this far. ------------------------------ NEW FEATURES IN EUDORA 4.3.x ------------------------------ The document WhatsNew.pdf in the Eudora directory summarizes the features that are new to Eudora 4.3.x. You'll need an application capable of reading PDF (Portable Document Format) files, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, in order to view that document. You can obtain an installer for Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 from Adobe Systems at . --------------------------- CHANGES IN EUDORA --------------------------- ---------------------- CHANGES SINCE BETA 5 ---------------------- Added new icons for partially fetched messages in the Server Status column of the mailbox view. By default, the user is now warned before launching attachments with any of the following extensions: exe com bat cmd pif htm do* xl* reg lnk mdb ppt hta vbs vbe wsf wsh js pl Any extensions listed in the WarnLaunchExtensions setting now are added to the default list above, rather than replacing the default list. If you want to avoid being warned on certain extensions, use the WarnLaunchRemove setting. For example, if you're using Microsoft Office and you've turned off macros in Word and Excel so that you're no longer susceptible to macro viruses and Word and Excel documents, you could put this line in the [Settings] section of Eudora.ini: WarnLaunchRemove=do*|xl* The extensions are separated by vertical bar characters. There's now a checkbox in Tools/Options/Automation for warning the user any time some other program or script asks Eudora to send an email message via its COM Automation interface. The warning is given by default. To turn it off, put WarnComAutoSend=0 in the [Settings] section of Eudora.ini, or paste this link: into a message and Alt-click on it. You can now switch back to the default mail arrival sound in Tools/Options/Getting Attention. Fixed a bug in the profile confirmation dialog that caused the text to be cut off at the bottom. An tag in a received message now gets written on a line by itself in the .mbx file. This fixes problems where things parsing by start of line - PGP clear signature verification - got confused. Fixed a bug where Eudora wasn't displaying an error dialog if an SMTP server returned an error value in the 400's on an SMTP RCPT TO command. Fixed a bug where, if the last line of an outgoing message was a long one without any spaces (for example, a long URL), Eudora would wrap that line at the very last character. ------------------- CHANGES IN BETA 5 ------------------- Fixed a bug where, if you first installed Internet Explorer, then installed Eudora and made it the default mailer, and finally installed Netscape, Eudora wouldn't automatically handle Netscape mailto: URLs. Fixed a problem with dueling progress windows that could show up if you opened mailboxes during a mail import. Fixed a bug where clicking Stop while importing Outlook Express mail would cause the progress window to stay visible until the next manual or automatic mail check. Move To and Copy To are now grayed out in the context menu you get by right-clicking on an address book (as opposed to a nickname). Names from messages that you discard will no longer get added to the list that shows up in auto-completion. Fixed scrolling problems in the Help/Technical Support window. The WarnLaunchExtensions setting no longer has to end with a vertical bar. Fixed a bug where selecting a new font in a composition window sometimes fails to take effect. We've improved the situation where, on some systems, the toolbar icons don't display correctly. We hope it's completely fixed now! Fixed a Directory Services bug where port numbers with more than four digits couldn't be specified for Ph and Finger databases. Added ".lnk" (Windows shortcuts) and ".reg" (registry files) to the list of attachment extensions that cause Eudora to put up a warning before launching the attachment. This warning only occurs if "Warn me when I launch a program from a message" is checked in Tools/Options/Extra Warnings; this is the default behavior. If attachments can't be written during mail checks because the attachment directory doesn't exist, Eudora no longer says the problem is that it's out of disk space. Made plaintext SMTP authentication work the server gives an empty challenge. Made the confirmation dialog that you get after providing your profile information modeless, so that automatic mail checks will still occur while the dialog is displayed. Opening the Find Messages window now uses far fewer resources than before if fewer than five search criteria are shown. If one criterion is shown, the Windows 95/98 resource meter now shows a drop of 4% rather than 19%. Windows Address Book importing is now more robust. Outgoing MAPI messages sent via MAPISendMail() now flow messages that use the format=flowed style (spaces at ends of lines to be flowed). Fixed a bug that could, under some circumstances, cause incoming messages to hang around indefinitely without getting displayed. Fixed some problems where the progress window would cause Eudora to come to the foreground during a mail check when it was not the frontmost application. Fixed a bug that caused certain PNG images (including ads) not to be displayed. Fixed a bug where turning off Word Wrap was correctly not adding the format=flowed parameter, but was incorrectly causing format=flowed processing to be done on the body of the message. Link History remind functionality is no longer provided after the user switches to Light mode. ------------------- CHANGES IN BETA 3 ------------------- Worked around a bug in the PGP plug-in that caused it to fail to encrypt or sign messages in non-PGP/MIME mode. This has happened ever since we fixed a certain memory leak in Eudora 4.3. Added support for importing mail and address books from Outlook 2000. Added support for importing mail from Netscape 4.5 and above. Fixed a bug that could cause a Netscape mail import to fail due to a misconstructed file name. Fixed a crash that would occur if Outlook Express, Outlook 98, or Outlook 2000 was not the default client and you tried to import. Fixed bugs which caused some Outlook Express 5 address book imports to fail. Fixed a bug where certain attachments under certain conditions could use up all your remaining disk space. Put a check box in the New Mail and No New Mail message boxes that lets you stop those announcements. This is equivalent to unchecking Tools/Options/Getting Attention/Use an alert dialog box. Fixed a bug where address book information was lost upon saving changes after clicking in white space in the left-hand pane. Fixed a crash that occurred upon using a newly added LDAP server in Directory Services. Directory Services no longer allows an empty server name to be entered. Added Select All functionality to Link History. Disabled the File/Save As menu item for the Find Messages view. Edit/Select All (and ctrl-A) now select all the messages in the Results pane of the Find Messages window. Fixed a bug that sometimes caused attachments to erroneously be put in body of a message. Fixed a bug that could cause an ad to be displayed outside its proper date range. Fixed a bug that caused a warning to pop up upon saving, exploring, or deleting an attachment with executable content. (These options are in the context menu you get by right-clicking the attachment icon.) Improved the text that gets inserted in a partially downloaded message if its size exceeds the limit specified in Tools/Options/Checking Mail. The middle drop-down menu in Find Messages now offers both case-sensitive and case-insensitive regular expression matching, making it consistent with Filters. Also changed "contains word" to "contains whole word" in that menu. fixed a bug that could cause Edit/Insert Recipient to insert weird characters in the text. The main window toolbar now responds immediately to changes in the system color. Users will now be "nagged" to send information on their Eudora usage an average of only once every 100 months. Also, if the settings section of Eudora.ini contains "DontShowAudit=1", this request will never occur. Finally, the message containing this information now never gets queued until the user explicitly clicks Queue or Send. Fixed a bug related to From, To, etc. COM Automation properties for queued messages. Fixed a bug where changing the mode from Paid to Sponsored would temporarily leave the wrong button enabled in the Help/Payment & Registration dialog. Outgoing MAPI messages sent via MAPISendMail now convert plain-text quoting (i.e. > characters) into excerpts. (This can be disabled by putting "MapiExcerptFixedText=0" in the [Settings] section of Eudora.ini.) Sped up the MAPIReadMail functionality for MAPI clients that use it. Fixed a bug where recipients with same name and address given to MAPISendMail by a MAPI client would create ugly addresses in Eudora (along the lines of foo@bar.com ). Fixed a bug where a MAPI client could get a corrupted copy of a message obtained via MAPIReadMail, if the lines of the message were delimited with just a line feed character rather than a carriage return plus a line feed. Fixed a crash that could occur due to Eudora writing to the NoteText field specified by a MAPI client on a MAPISendMail call. Removed "Pro" from MAPI resource version strings. ------------------- CHANGES IN BETA 1 ------------------- General functioning -------------------- * Fixed at least one crash-on-close error. * Prevent system slowness due to anti-virus programs checking .bin files that were being opened and closed. These files now have a different extension. * Fixed the persistent Update Nag window from coming up after every startup. * Update nag is not shown if Eudora.ini contains the setting DontShowUpdates=1. Sending/Receiving/Viewing Mail ------------------------------- * Changed URL detection to include alphanumeric characters preceding www. * Fixed problem where some fonts would not display properly. * Clicking on a horizontal scroll bar will no longer launch a URL that's just beneath it. * Fixed vertical scroll bar functionality after pasting in a text file. * Fixed bug where an add/removing quote levels would cause subsequent paragraphs to take on the paragraph formatting of the first selected paragraph. * Fixed problem where some mailto:'s would cause several fields to contain (null). * "Delete" and "Fetch then Delete" now show the correct image for server status. * LaunchURL: "file://" supports special characters Find Messages -------------- * Find Messages now puts focus in the last field after bringing it up from a previous 5-criteria search. * Checkboxes in Find Messages are now black on white when using high contrast black mode. Ad-related ----------- * Changed the wording to "Reverting to Light Mode" when you continue to not get ads. * Changed the location of Ad related files to EudPriv/Ads * Paid mode button is not left selected after cancelling the Payment Web Steps dialog. * Link History Window has a new toolbar and tabbed window icon * Link History Window displays the correct date instead of 1969 when re-adding a removed ad. * Link History Window detects whether or not you are offline. * Link History Window better handles Attempted dates. IMAP ----- * Now allows lowercase host name to be sent to KClient for IMAP Kerberos V4 authentication. * Fixed Kerberos problem with 8-character principal names. We now follow RFC 1731. Miscellaneous -------------- * Eudora should now work better with Netscape. Eudora can be made the default mail program and then it would be brought up when using a mailto action in Netscape. The news reader in Netscape will return to using Netscape. * Improved memory management in Directory Services. * Changed Help-Report a Bug to provide a more unique Subject: which will be helpful on our distinguishing the bugs. Of course, you can change the subject if you want to. * Removed a bug in the "From" property of the IEuMessage COM object. Previously, this property would return only the name part of the From field. * Fixed a bug where and tags were left in messages when syncing with Palm Eudora. * Fixed a syncing bug between Windows Eudora and Palm Eudora. * Fixed improper reference tab in taskbar for Technical Support window. * Fix for wrong background color for transparency in .png images. ------------------------------------- NOTES CONCERNING EUDORA AND: * APPLE QUICKTIME * MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER ------------------------------------- Eudora's standard message viewer supports basic HTML, such as text formatting and inline images. Installing QuickTime adds support to the standard viewer for inline display of a wider range of image (picture) formats. Installing Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE), version 4.0 or above, adds an additional message viewer (hereinafter, the Microsoft viewer) to Eudora that can accurately display just about any HTML message you might receive. You can find installers for these applications on the Eudora web site at . * Why should I care about displaying HTML messages? HTML messages (email messages that use HTML, the language of web pages) are becoming more and more common. The latest web browsers allow a web page to be sent as an HTML message. If someone sends you an HTML message that uses advanced formatting such as tables, then to see it as it was intended you need to tell Eudora to use the Microsoft viewer instead of its standard message viewer. * If Eudora has two viewers, how will I tell it which one to use? Just check or uncheck the "Use Microsoft's viewer" checkbox in the Viewing Mail panel of the Options dialog, under the Tools menu in Eudora. The checkbox is checked by default if IE 4.0 or higher is on your system. If IE 3.0 or higher is not on your system, the checkbox is dimmed and you can use only the standard viewer; you can, however, enhance it with QuickTime as described below. * What's the impact of installing QuickTime? It'll take about a minute and use 6 megabytes of disk space. It enhances the standard (non-Microsoft) viewer by allowing it to display images in a wider range of formats. It has no effect when "Use Microsoft's viewer" is selected. * What's the impact of installing IE 4.0 or higher? If you install IE 4.0 via the Eudora installer, it'll take up to 10 minutes, depending on the speed of your computer, and consume about 35 megabytes of disk space. It will not convert your desktop to the "active" state where single-clicking on an icon opens it, and it will not make IE 4.0 your default web browser unless your current default browser is an earlier version of IE. The specific viewing capabilities that you gain in Eudora are listed below. * What if I already have Internet Explorer? If you already have IE 4.0 or above on your system, Eudora will take advantage of it automatically, so there's no need to have the Eudora installer reinstall it. If you already have IE 3.0 on your system, you have two choices: 1. You can leave it alone, in which case Eudora will use IE 3.0 if you choose "Use Microsoft's viewer" in Eudora's Options dialog. However, this doesn't provide all the functionality you get with the IE 4.0 viewer (or even the standard viewer) - see the details below. 2. You can upgrade to IE 4.0 via the Eudora installer. This will upgrade your IE 3.0 to version 4.0 (on Windows 95, this won't take effect until after you reboot). You won't lose any functionality, and all your IE settings and preferences will be preserved. If you have a version of IE earlier than 3.0 on your system, installing IE 4.0 will not affect it. However, you must have IE 3.0 or above in order for the "Use Microsoft's viewer" option to take effect. * What does Eudora's standard viewer support? + Bold, italic, and underlined text + Different font faces, sizes, and colors + Fixed-width text + Left and right justification and centering + Multiple indentation levels + Bulleted lists + Hyperlinks (clicking on a URL launches your browser and takes you to a web page) + Horizontal ruling lines + Inline display of BMP images and some JPEG images * What does QuickTime add to the standard viewer? + Inline display of a wider variety of images, including the full set of JPEG formats, PNG, GIF, TIFF, Macintosh PICT, etc. * What does the Microsoft viewer do that the standard one doesn't? + Displays GIF, PNG and a wider variety of JPEG images inline + Automatic inline display of images from web sites + Numbered lists + Tables and forms + International character sets + Java applets, JavaScript, and ActiveX controls + Dynamic HTML (not if you're using IE 3.0) + Other embedded objects (audio, video) + Unlike QuickTime, it doesn't display Macintosh PICT images * What DON'T I get in Eudora if I use IE 3.0 instead of IE 4.0? + Dynamic HTML + Editing of received messages + Running Eudora plug-ins (such as text translators) on received messages If you're using IE 3.0, you can still edit received messages, and run Eudora plug-ins on them, provided you first switch to the standard viewer by unchecking "Use Microsoft's viewer" in the Options dialog. * What does inline image support mean? This means that if there's a picture embedded in the middle of a message, it'll display that way. Otherwise, the picture will be an attachment and will display in a separate window when you click on it. -------------------------------------------- IF THE "SPEAK" FILTER ACTION IS GRAYED OUT -------------------------------------------- You have the option, when setting up a filter, to have Eudora audibly announce, or speak, the subject and/or the name of the sender whenever a message is filtered. (In the case of an outgoing filter, it will speak the name of the recipient rather than the sender.) In order to use this feature, you need to have a sound card and sound card device driver that are compatible with the version of Windows you're running. You also need to install Microsoft's Speech Application Programming Interface (SAPI) and a SAPI-compliant text-to-speech engine. If those components are not present on your computer, the Speak action will be grayed out in the Filters window. You can remedy this by installing SAPI and Microsoft's text-to-speech engine; installers for both are available on the web at , under the heading "Installing Microsoft's Text-to-Speech Engine". --------------- SECURITY NOTE --------------- Recent email viruses, such as the notorious "I Love You" and "Melissa" viruses, have heightened many people's awareness of the need to be careful with email. For maximum protection, we recommend the following: 1. Change your Eudora attachment directory to something other than the default. 2. Disable JavaScript in your web browser. 3. Leave "(Warn me when I) Launch a program from a message" checked in Tools/Options/Extra Warnings. 4. Leave "Allow executables in HTML content" unchecked in Tools/Options/Viewing Mail. 5. Leave "Warn on MAPI auto-send of messages" checked in Tools/Options/MAPI. 6. Leave "Warn on Automation auto-send of messages" checked in Tools/Options/Automation. Consult for additional information, including instructions for changing your Eudora attachment directory. ----------------------------------- KNOWN ISSUES IN THIS BETA RELEASE ----------------------------------- ------------- BUG REPORTS ------------- If you experience something you think might be a bug in Eudora, please report it by sending a message to eudora-bugs@qualcomm.com. Describe what you did, what happened, what version of Eudora you have, any error messages Eudora gave (the numbers in parentheses ( ) are especially important), what kind of computer you have, which operating system you're using, and anything else you think might be relevant. You will receive an automated response indicating that your bug report has been received and forwarded to our engineering staff. Unless additional information is needed, you will not receive a direct response. ----------------------- REQUESTS FOR FEATURES ----------------------- Please send any suggestions or requests for new features to eudora-suggest@qualcomm.com. You will receive an automated response indicating that your suggestion has been received and forwarded to our engineering staff. Unless additional information is needed, you will not receive a direct response. ---------------------------------------- EUDORA BETA SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT ---------------------------------------- QUALCOMM INCORPORATED ("QUALCOMM") IS WILLING TO LICENSE THE PRERELEASE "BETA" VERSION OF ITS EUDORA SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION (THE "SOFTWARE") TO YOU ONLY ON THE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS IN THIS AGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THE TERMS CAREFULLY. BY CLICKING ON THE "YES" BUTTON BELOW YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, QUALCOMM IS UNWILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE TO YOU. YOU SHOULD CLICK ON THE "NO" BUTTON TO DISCONTINUE THE INSTALLATION PROCESS. 1. LICENSE. (a) Use. Qualcomm hereby grants you a nonexclusive license to install and use the Software in machine-readable form solely for testing and evaluation purposes (a) on a single computer for use by a single individual, if you are an individual, or (b) on up to ten (10) separate computers for use by up to ten (10) separate employees if you are an employer. You may copy the Software only for backup purposes, provided that you reproduce all copyright and other proprietary notices that are on the original copy of the Software. (b) Distribution. Qualcomm hereby grants you the right to distribute unmodified complete copies of the Software to any third party provided (i) that such third party must agree to these terms and conditions prior to any use of the Software, and (ii) you may not require or accept any payments or other compensation in connection with such distribution. 2. RESTRICTIONS. Qualcomm retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Software, and any rights not granted to you herein are reserved by Qualcomm. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or translate the Software, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of the Software, except to the extent allowed under any applicable law. If applicable law permits such activities, any information so discovered must be promptly disclosed to Qualcomm and shall be deemed to be the confidential proprietary information of Qualcomm. Any attempt to transfer any of the rights, duties or obligations hereunder is void. You may not rent, lease, loan, or resell for profit the Software, or any part thereof. You may not reproduce, distribute, publicly perform or publicly display the Software except as expressly permitted under Section 1, and you may not create derivative works of the Software. 3. CONFIDENTIALITY. The Software and all related information is confidential and proprietary to Qualcomm. You agree not to disclose the Software or any information relating to the Software (including without limitation the results of use or testing) to any third party without Qualcomm's prior written permission. Unauthorized use or disclosure of such information would cause irreparable harm and significant injury to Qualcomm that would be difficult to ascertain; accordingly you agree that Qualcomm shall have the right to obtain injunctive or other equitable relief to enforce obligations under this Agreement without limiting any other rights or remedies. 4. PRIVACY STATEMENT. The Eudora Privacy Statement found online at , is incorporated herein by reference. 5. CONTACTING QUALCOMM. Although Qualcomm does not offer support for the beta versions of the Software, we encourage you to e-mail bug reports regarding the Software to eudora-bugs@qualcomm.com. 6. NO WARRANTY. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Some states do not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties, so the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other legal rights which vary from state to state. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. The Software is a prerelease, experimental version and is not at the level of performance and compatibility of a final product. The Software may not operate correctly and may be substantially modified prior to first commercial shipment, or withdrawn. IN NO EVENT SHALL QUALCOMM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF QUALCOMM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 8. TERM AND TERMINATION. This Agreement shall continue until terminated. You may terminate the Agreement at any time by deleting all copies of the Software and all related information and so notifying Qualcomm. Qualcomm may terminate the Agreement at any time for any reason by so notifying you; you must then promptly delete all copies of the Software and related information. Sections 2 - 6 and 10 shall survive termination. 9. EXPORT. You may not download or otherwise export or re- export the Software except in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. 10. CONTRACTING PARTIES. If the Software is installed on computers owned by a corporation or other legal entity, then this Agreement is formed by and between Qualcomm and such entity. The individual executing this Agreement represents and warrants to Qualcomm that they have the authority to bind such entity to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 11. INDEMNITY. You agree to defend and indemnify QUALCOMM Incorporated against all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, which QUALCOMM may incur in connection with your breach of this Agreement. 12. GENERAL. The Software is a "commercial item." This Agreement is governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly disclaimed. Any claim arising out of or related to this Agreement must be brought exclusively in a federal or state court located in San Diego County, California and you consent to the jurisdiction of such courts. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected. This Agreement is the entire and exclusive agreement between Qualcomm and you with respect to the Software and supersedes all prior agreements (whether written or oral) and other communications between Qualcomm and you with respect to the Software. COPYRIGHT © 2000 BY QUALCOMM INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. QUALCOMM® IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK AND REGISTERED SERVICE MARK OF QUALCOMM INCORPORATED. EUDORA® AND EUDORA PRO® ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF QUALCOMM INCORPORATED. PUREVOICE(TM) IS A TRADEMARK OF QUALCOMM INCORPORATED. ALL OTHER TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. BY CLICKING ON THE "YES" BUTTON YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. License Terms for PureVoice(TM) Player-Recorder Version 1.3.2 and PureVoice(TM) Plug-In for Eudora 4.3.2 - Windows Platform QUALCOMM Incorporated ("QUALCOMM") grants to the authorized recipient ("Recipient") a nonexclusive license to use this PureVoice software solely for Recipient's own personal or internal business purposes. Recipient may not commercially distribute, sublicense, resell, or otherwise transfer for any consideration, or reproduce for any such purposes, the PureVoice software or any modification or derivation thereof, either alone or in conjunction with any other product or program. Further, Recipient may not modify the PureVoice software. THE PUREVOICE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO THE USER ''AS IS.'' QUALCOMM MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PUREVOICE SOFTWARE AND/OR ASSOCIATED MATERIALS PROVIDED TO THE USER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR AGAINST INFRINGEMENT. QUALCOMM DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED. FURTHERMORE, QUALCOMM DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR ANY DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED THEREWITH IN TERMS OF THEIR CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY QUALCOMM OR A QUALCOMM AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - QUALCOMM IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIMS OR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING PROPERTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS, OR FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF BREACH OF WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. COPYRIGHT © 2000 BY QUALCOMM INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. QUALCOMM® IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK AND REGISTERED SERVICE MARK OF QUALCOMM INCORPORATED. PUREVOICE(TM) IS A TRADEMARK OF QUALCOMM INCORPORATED. ALL OTHER TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. 5/00 - 06