Keyboard Shortcuts

Some general keyboard shortcuts are available in the Search and Replace Main Window.


Aborting Current Action


Abort a Search. CTRL+ Mouse Click the Search button does the same thing.

Search and Replace Actions






Search only the files currently listed in the search results.


Search/Replace only the files currently listed in the search results.


Search-Replace Windows Clipboard

Search Results List


Launch the File Operations dialog. If one or more highlighted files in the Search Results are selected, those files are added to File Operations. If no files are select, all the files in the Search Results are used.


Find in Search Results (focus must be in the Search Results List)


Copy current Search Results to the clipboard OR copy the current highlighted line in the Search Results. You may need to refresh the search if you want the entire contents copied. Clipboard copy is also available from the Context Menu.

  CTRL+Keypad + Key
  CTRL+Keypad - Key

Expand / collapse all search hits in the Search Results list. This can also be done in the View Menu.

  Spacebar on File Names

Expand/Collapse search hits for that file in the Search Results list.


Move the focus Down/Up file names in the Search Results list.


Save the current search results to a file of your choice.



Swap the Search For: and Replace With: strings in the main window.

    Click the Binary Mode

To insert the current search / replace strings into the respective binary mode dialogs, hold the CTRL key as you click on the image\b_path4.gif button to the right of the field.

    Click the Script Button

Dump current program settings & strings to a script file named 'srdump.srs' in the same path as sr32.exe.

  CTRL+Remove All Button

Script Search/Replace & Path/Mask Dialogs Only. Removes all current entries in the script and inserts the counterpart search/replace strings or mask/path entries from the main dialog into the script. Be sure to click on the Add button to commit your entry.

  CTRL+Insert Button

Script Search/Replace & Path/Mask Dialogs Only. Inserts the search/replace string and mask/path entries from the main window into the script. Be sure to click on the Add button to commit your entry.


In the View Context dialog - jump to previous/next search hit.


In the Search for: and Replace with: fields in the main dialog. Deletes the current entry.