Output Options

Click on the graphic below for help on the options categories or scroll the screen down for a text description of the Output options fields.


Details on Output Options Fields:

Hit Line Display: When checked -

Show Output to File: To route the Search Results list to a file, enter a file in this field. If this field is blank, no file is produced. If no path is specified, the current directory is used. Use the Browse button (image\b_path4.gif) to the right of the field to select an output file via a File Save As dialog. The default name suggestion is "Results.txt.". Supply another name if you want. The contents are the same as Note that what is written to this file is the same information presented in the Search & Replace results display. Therefore, to adjust the output, make selections in the "Hit Line Display" checkbox fields.

Notes and Additional Functions:

Append to Output File: Enable this to write to the output file in 'append' mode. If the file exists, existing content is preserved. When this box is not checked, the output file is replaced each time.

Before Hit: Enter the string to use to demark the start of the search hit in clipboard dump or in the output file. Blank out this field if you want nothing to be displayed.

After Hit: Enter the string to use to demark the end of the search hit in clipboard dump or in the output file. Blank out this field if you want nothing to be displayed.

Text Line Prefix: This field can be used to modify the line prefix when Display First Hit Line is enabled. The default setting is Line %3ld -, which results in out such as Line 20 - , Line 12984 - , and so on. The syntax for changes somewhat complex. Please see Line Prefix Switches for details.

Binary Line Prefix: As above but controls the output when the file being searched is binary. The default string is Offset 0x%-6lx -. Please see Line Prefix Switches for details about making change to this setting.

OK button: Saves the changes and closes the dialog.

Cancel button: The changes will not be made.