Binary Mode Dialog


The binary mode dialog is activated by the image\b_path4.gif buttons next to the Search and Replace string fields in the main window and Script Editor. The uses for this dialog include:

Note: Search/replaces involving a literal \ character must doubled, \\, in the binary mode search/replace strings. This is so even if the operation does not involve regular expressions. For example, to find '\example\registry_toolkit' in your files, use the string '\\example\\registry_toolkit'.

Important Note: While Search and Replace allows replacing in binary files (such as .DOC, .XLS etc.), these proprietary format files may contain internal counters which may get out of synch. As a result, the application that created the file may not be able to read it. For best results, replace in ASCII text files only (such as .HTM, .RTF, .TXT, .INI, .C, .CPP, .H etc.). Word files should be converted to RTF format before you operate on them. Please See Word Documents Notes for more important information on search & replaces in non-text files such as Word documents, Word Perfect documents, spreadsheets, etc.

Click on the graphic below for help on the Binary Mode fields or scroll the screen down for a text description of the fields.


Details on the Binary Mode Fields:

Search/Replace Block field: You can type, paste (using paste button or Ctrl+V) text already in the Clipboard or use the Binary Codes list (below) to add characters to this field. You can perform the usual editing operations in this field by using the keyboard as follows:









Special Operations group (Search field only): You can instruct Search and Replace to prepend (add to the beginning of the file) or append (add at the end of the file) a block of text to each file processed or to simply use the Search String entered. The string in the Replace field will be prepended or appended. You can confirm replacing the same way you can with regular search strings. The Search Block field will change accordingly if you select "Add to top of file" or "Add at bottom of file". This radio button area is not available when editing a binary replacement string.

Binary Codes fields: This list allows you to add special characters to the Search/Replace field by either double-clicking or selecting an item and then clicking the Add Code button. The list of 'special character codes' can be seen HERE.

Add Code button: The Binary Code specified will be added to the Search/Replace Block field.

OK button: The Search/Replace field will be used as specified.

Cancel button: No changes are made.

Paste Text: The text currently in the clipboard is pasted in the Search/Replace Block field. If anything is selected in the Search/Replace field, the selection will be replaced by the text pasted. If no text is in the clipboard, nothing will happen.

Apply Script button: Click here to apply a script to the search/replace string in advance of a later operation. See Apply Script function for more information.