Flags Menu

The items in the Flag Menu is used to enable/disable various parameters for your search/replace operation. These items are also selectable via their counterpart toolbar buttons.


Case Sensitive: Select this if you want the search to be case sensitive. Deselect if you want to search regardless of case.

Search Subdirectories: Select this to search all subdirectories of your path. Subdirectory searching will usually slow your search so turn it off if you only need to search the specified path. Note that if you are using a script and have options specified in your script, the Options section of the Advanced Tab in the script editor must be used to control subdirectory searching. The number of levels the program descends can also be controlled if you want.

Match Whole Word: When selected, Whole Word Mode, looks for the exact word or phrase specified, meaning, enclosed by whitespace (or a non-letter character). For example, if this option is on and you look for "Window", the program will find it in the phrase "...use the Window menu..." but not in the phrase "...Windows 95...". If this option is not checked, both occurrences will be found.

Regular Expression: Select this to use a Regular Expression. Case sensitive and binary mode may be used in conjunction with this type of search. When regular expression mode is enabled, Ignore Whitespace and HTML mode are not available. If Regular Expression is dim, make sure Ignore Whitespace and/or HTML mode are not enabled.

Search ZIP Files: Select this to search files inside ZIP files that exist in the specified path. When enabled, any PKZIP-compatible ZIP files present in the search path(s) will be examined and any files matching the file masks and filter options specified will be temporarily extracted to the extract path specified under Search Options and searched. This option may slow your searches, so you should turn it off if you do not need it. Note that it is not necessary to specify to *.zip on the file mask field to search ZIP files - simply select this field. Any file masks specified will be applied to files found inside of ZIP files. Note: Replacements are not made on files in ZIPs.

Ignore Whitespace: When selected, Ignore Whitespace allows Search and Replace to ignore extra spaces and \r (CR), \n (LF), \t (Tab) characters between whole words. This allows you to easily find, for example, the string "IMG src=" even if "IMG" and "src=" are on adjacent lines &/or separated by more than one space. Your search string must have one or more of the whitespace characters in the position where the whitespace exists in your file(s) for Ignore Whitespace to work. Note that replacements made with Ignore Whitespace ON do not replace the intervening extra spaces or \r \n \t characters. Therefore, to maintain these during a replace, use a Regular Expression search/replace. When Regular Expressions is turned on, Ignore Whitespace is not available.

HTML Mode: When selected, search and replace operations will automatically make ISO plain text character code substitutions. For example, when HTML Mode is enabled, a search for "Search & Replace" would find the string "Search &amp; Replace" in your html file. If a replacement is being made that involves a character for which there is an html special character code, the character code will be used. For example, if "x < y" is specified in a Replace field, "x &lt; y" is replaced in the document. You can visualize this in the replacement confirmation dialog by enabling replace confirmations (Options-Replace) or by enabling the display of replacement strings (Options-Output) and then performing a search. HTML Mode is not available when Regular Expressions are on. See HTML Mode for more information.