Direct Boolean Expressions

The boolean symbols '&', '|', and '~' which stand for 'AND', 'OR', and 'NOT' can be used directly in the Search For: field in the main dialog.

To use this function, disable Regular Expression, HTML mode, and Ignore Whitespace Mode if they are on and enable Whole Word mode. You can do this from the toolbar buttons or the Flags Menu. Case Sensitive can be on or not.



To find files that contain the words 'this' and 'that', use (don't include the S: part):
    S: this&that

To find files that contain the words 'this' and 'that' or 'find me':
    S: (this&that)|find me

To find files that contain the words 'trucks' or 'cars' or 'boats' but not if the words 'planes' or 'rockets' are present in the file:
    S: (trucks|cars|boats)~(planes|rockets)

To find files that contain the words 'rocket ship' and 'that', where 'rocket ship' is possibly on two adjacent lines with no characters in between, enable 'Ignore Whitespace' and 'Whole Word' mode and search for:
    S: (rocket ship)|that