Comparison Results Dialog

The comparison results dialog is displayed regardless of whether or not you specify to generate a merge file in the Compare Files dialog. Sections that differ are shown in red, moved sections are blue, and identical sections are black. You can move through the various sections by clicking on the green (alike) or red (different) icons in the left side of the dialog or by the blue up/down arrows on the toolbar. You can configure the program to use External Editors that will be launched if you double click on a line in the results.

You can refresh the comparison from the refresh toolbar button or the File Menu. Note however that the merge file is not updated.

Note: The comparison dialog shows alike and different material in colors (see example screen below). In the interest of efficiency and speed, the comparison has a limit of 250 consecutive lines with differences, after which an entire block is marked as 'different' (red) from the point where differences start to the first line where an exact match for the line is found.
