File Masks

File Masks are file and directory name filters, which, in conjunction with the path, size, date, & attribute filters, define the files the program operates on. The wildcards characters * and ? may be used in a manner similar to the DOS dir command, e.g., *.*;*.txt;*.doc;*.??1. More than one mask can be specified by using a semicolon separator (see above). Be sure not have any Open spaces between the semicolon(s) and the mask(s).

File masks can be inclusive or exclusive:

Include Masks: These are the masks as outlined above. For example, to include all files of the filetype .html in a search, you would use the mask *.html. Of note, if you wanted to also include .htm files, you could use the mask *.htm* or use a semicolon separator and create two masks, *.html;*.htm.

Exclude Masks: the ~ character denotes a mask NOT to search. For example, if you wanted to exclude all .exe and .dll files from your search, you would use the mask *.*;~*.exe;*.dll. Here, all files but .exe and .dll files would be included. Note the use of the semicolon separators. Exclude Masks should be specified after the Include Masks.


*.*;~*.htm;~*.cgi - Process all files except *.htm and *.cgi files.