Decode Shell Extension Funduc Software, Inc. Copyright 1996-2004 Funduc Software Inc. Thank you for using Funduc Software utilities! The Decode Shell Extension v4.6 adds a Decode menu item to your Windows Explorer context menu (right mouse button menu) and File menu. Thank you for your interest in Decode Shell Extension! Decode Shell Extension is compatible with Windows 95/98/ME NT/2000/XP. 95/98 Users: If you have a brand new OS installation please visit the Windows Update site and install the latest updates from Microsoft. Our apps use versions of some windows OS dlls that were updated by Microsoft from the original releases of 95 & 98. NT 4 Users: Although not absolutely required, we suggest you have SP 6 installed. To install Decode Shell Extension, follow the instructions below. We prefer you install via our self-installer because the installer sets up an uninstall function in Control Panel, Add-Remove Programs. If you prefer a zip file you can download one from our web site. Visit for a download link. See 'FileList.txt' for a description of the files installed. All files are put in the path of your choice. c:\tools\Decext is the suggested but you can change this if you like. Installation Instructions for Windows 95/98/ME NT/2000/XP ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Exit all programs running on your desktop. AOL and Compuserve 2000 users: This means you!!! You cannot cheat the Decode Shell Extension and try to force it to work within AOL or Compuserve 2000 by creative installing. You must run setupdx.exe from Windows Explorer. 2. Unzip the contents of the archive into a temporary subdirectory. Make note of the folder you use. Do not use \Start Menu\Programs\Startup for your temporary path. 3. Use Windows Explorer or some other file manager to run 'setupdx.exe' from the path where you saved it in #2. The installer will prompt you for the path to install to. C:\Tools\Decext is the suggested default but you can use any path you wish. 4. Delete the temporary files you unzipped from this zip. 5. Visit for usage instructions. A shortcut to a local version of this same file is installed in Start Menu\Tools. Uninstall Instructions ---------------------- 1. Go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. 2. Scroll down until you see 'Decode Shell Extension'. 3. Click on the Add/Remove button.