Directory Toolkit Funduc Software, Inc. Copyright 1995-2010 All Rights Reserved Listed below are the files installed by 'setupdt.exe' (32-bit version) or 'setupdt64.exe' (64-bit version). All files go in the path you specify. C:\Program Files\Dirtkt is the suggested default but you can use any path you wish. Please note that the installer does not make any changes to your 'system' subdirectory or system files. File Purpose --------------------- ------- Dirtkt.exe Main Program (32-bit) DT64.exe Main Program (64-bit) Dtext.dll Explorer Shell Extension ChkUpdate.dll Checks for program updates (Help Menu) (32-bit) ChkUpdate64.dll Checks for program updates (Help Menu) (64-bit) Dirtkt.chm F1 Help DTScriptCommands.txt Script/Script Documentation ScriptFilterSettings.txt Supplementary info on script switches ScriptColumnDefinitionSettings.txt Supplementary info on script switches Readme.txt Readme.txt ORDER.TXT Purchase Information FunducProducts.txt Information on other products. Information on configuring external editors ExampleScript1.txt Sample Scripts ExampleScript2.txt " ExampleScript3.txt " ExampleScript4.txt unins000.dat [Used by the uninstall function. unins000.exe Do not remove either of these files.]