Word Search and Replace Funduc Software, Inc. Copyright 2000-2009 www.funduc.com www.searchandreplace.com support@funduc.com support@searchandreplace.com Word Search and Replace is a freeware Word macro for Microsoft Word that can search and replace in files you specify using Microsoft Word search and replace functioning. IMPORTANT: Use this software at your own risk. It comes with no warrantees of usability or safety of your data. Make backups of all files that may be affected by your operation BEFORE you do search and replace. DO NOT RELY on the Word 'undo' function as a backup method -- it may not work. Use a product such as our Directory Toolkit to zip your files or copy them to a backup path. Please see the License Agreement for additional information. See Support Information concerning bug reports. Please see Funduc Products for information on our other shareware and freeware utilities for windows. Requirements: - To use this macro you must enable Word Macros. Some users will have macro functioning disabled, or at a high security setting, due to anti-virus measures. Consult your Microsoft Word manual for instructions on how to change Macro permissions. In Word 2000, go to Tools | Macro | Security and select 'Medium' or 'Low'. You to scan the document with your anti-virus scanner before running the macro for the first time. - If instead of the "Search and Replace in Documents" form you get an error message, you cannot use this script. Some versions of Word distributed along with Microsoft Works do not include the necessary VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) modules that are needed to perform the operation. Upgrading to a full version of Word and/or Microsoft Office is the only solution.