oextern FXbool fxloadBMP(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height)
Load a bmp file from a streamLoad a bmp file from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsaveBMP(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXColor transp, FXint width, FXint height)
Save a bmp file to a streamSave a bmp file to a stream
oextern FXbool fxloadCUR(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& source, FXuchar*& mask, FXint& width, FXint& height, FXint& xspot, FXint& yspot)
Load a cur file from a stream
ostruct FXSegment
Line segment
ostruct FXArc
ostruct FXPSBounds
Bounding box
ostruct stat
oFXString getEnvironment(const FXString& name)
Return value of environment variable name
oFXString getHomeDirectory()
Return the home directory for the current user
oFXString getUserDirectory(const FXString& user)
Return the home directory for a given user
oFXbool setCurrentDirectory(const FXString& path)
Set the current working directory
oFXString getCurrentDirectory()
Get the current working directory
oFXbool setCurrentDrive(const FXString& prefix)
Set the current drive (for Win32 systems)
oFXString getCurrentDrive()
Return the current drive (for Win32 systems)
oFXString getExecPath()
Get executable path
oFXString directory(const FXString& file)
Return the directory part of the path name.
oFXString name(const FXString& file)
Return name and extension part of the path name.
oFXString title(const FXString& file)
Return file title, ie.
oFXString extension(const FXString& file)
Return extension part of the file name
oFXString stripExtension(const FXString& file)
Return file name less the extension
oFXString drive(const FXString& file)
Return the drive letter prefixing this file name (if any)
oFXString expand(const FXString& file)
Perform tilde or environment variable expansion
oFXString simplify(const FXString& file)
Simplify a file path; the path will remain relative if it was relative, or absolute if it was absolute.
oFXString absolute(const FXString& file)
Return absolute path from current directory and file name
oFXString absolute(const FXString& base, const FXString& file)
Return absolute path from base directory and file name
oFXString relative(const FXString& file)
Return relative path of file to the current directory
oFXString relative(const FXString& base, const FXString& file)
Return relative path of file to given base directory
oFXString enquote(const FXString& file, FXbool forcequotes=FALSE)
Enquote filename to make safe for shell
oFXString dequote(const FXString& file)
Dequote filename to get original again
oFXString unique(const FXString& file)
Generate unique filename of the form pathnameXXXext, where pathnameext is the original input file, and XXX is a number, possibly empty, that makes the file unique
oFXString search(const FXString& pathlist, const FXString& file)
Search path list for this file, return full path name for first occurrence
oFXString upLevel(const FXString& file)
Return path to directory above input directory name
oFXbool isAbsolute(const FXString& file)
Return true if file name is absolute
oFXbool isTopDirectory(const FXString& file)
Return true if input directory is a top-level directory
oFXbool isFile(const FXString& file)
Return true if input path is a file name
oFXbool isLink(const FXString& file)
Return true if input path is a link
oFXbool isDirectory(const FXString& file)
Return true if input path is a directory
oFXbool isReadable(const FXString& file)
Return true if file is readable
oFXbool isWritable(const FXString& file)
Return true if file is writable
oFXbool isExecutable(const FXString& file)
Return true if file is executable
oFXbool isOwnerReadWriteExecute(const FXString& file)
Return true if owner has read-write-execute permissions
oFXbool isOwnerReadable(const FXString& file)
Return true if owner has read permissions
oFXbool isOwnerWritable(const FXString& file)
Return true if owner has write permissions
oFXbool isOwnerExecutable(const FXString& file)
Return true if owner has execute permissions
oFXbool isGroupReadWriteExecute(const FXString& file)
Return true if group has read-write-execute permissions
oFXbool isGroupReadable(const FXString& file)
Return true if group has read permissions
oFXbool isGroupWritable(const FXString& file)
Return true if group has write permissions
oFXbool isGroupExecutable(const FXString& file)
Return true if group has execute permissions
oFXbool isOtherReadWriteExecute(const FXString& file)
Return true if others have read-write-execute permissions
oFXbool isOtherReadable(const FXString& file)
Return true if others have read permissions
oFXbool isOtherWritable(const FXString& file)
Return true if others have write permissions
oFXbool isOtherExecutable(const FXString& file)
Return true if others have execute permissions
oFXbool isSetUid(const FXString& file)
Return true if the file sets the user id on execution
oFXbool isSetGid(const FXString& file)
Return true if the file sets the group id on execution
oFXbool isSetSticky(const FXString& file)
Return true if the file has the sticky bit set
oFXString owner(const FXString& file)
Return owner name of file (if available, else "user")
oFXString group(const FXString& file)
Return group name of file (if available, else "group")
ounsigned long size(const FXString& file)
Return file size in bytes
oFXTime modified(const FXString& file)
Return last modified time for this file
oFXTime accessed(const FXString& file)
Return last accessed time for this file
oFXTime created(const FXString& file)
Return created time for this file
oFXTime touched(const FXString& file)
Return touched time for this file
oFXbool match(const FXString& pattern, const FXString& file, FXuint flags=(FILEMATCH_NOESCAPE|FILEMATCH_FILE_NAME))
Match filenames using *, ?, [^a-z], and so on
oFXint listFiles(FXString*& list, const FXString& path, const FXString& pattern="*", FXuint flags=LIST_MATCHING_FILES|LIST_MATCHING_DIRS)
List files in a given directory.
oFXTime now()
Return current time
oFXString time(FXTime filetime)
Convert file time to date-string
oFXString time(const FXchar* format, FXTime filetime)
Convert file time to date-string as per strftime.
oFXbool info(const FXString& file, struct stat& info)
Return file info as reported by system stat() function
oFXbool exists(const FXString& file)
Return true if file exists
oFXbool identical(const FXString& file1, const FXString& file2)
Return true if files are identical
oFXuint mode(const FXString& file)
Return the mode flags for this file
oFXbool mode(const FXString& file, FXuint mode)
Change the mode flags for this file
oFXbool createDirectory(const FXString& path, FXuint mode)
Create new directory
oFXbool createFile(const FXString& file, FXuint mode)
Create new (empty) file
oFXbool concatenate(const FXString& srcfile1, const FXString& srcfile2, const FXString& dstfile, FXbool overwrite=FALSE)
Concatenate srcfile1 and srcfile2 to a dstfile.
oFXbool remove(const FXString& file)
Remove file or directory, recursively
oFXbool copy(const FXString& srcfile, const FXString& dstfile, FXbool overwrite=FALSE)
Copy file or directory, recursively
oFXbool move(const FXString& srcfile, const FXString& dstfile, FXbool overwrite=FALSE)
Rename or move file or directory
oFXbool link(const FXString& srcfile, const FXString& dstfile, FXbool overwrite=FALSE)
Link file
oFXbool symlink(const FXString& srcfile, const FXString& dstfile, FXbool overwrite=FALSE)
Symbolic link file
oFXString symlink(const FXString& file)
Read symbolic link
oextern FXbool fxparsefontdesc(FXFontDesc& fontdesc, const FXchar* string)
Parse font description from a string
oextern FXbool fxunparsefontdesc(FXchar* string, const FXFontDesc& fontdesc)
Unparse font description into a string
oextern FXbool fxloadGIF(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height)
Load a gif file from a streamLoad a gif file from a streamLoad a gif file from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsaveGIF(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXColor transp, FXint width, FXint height)
Save a gif file to a streamSave a gif file to a streamSave a gif file to a stream
ostruct FXViewport
OpenGL Viewer Viewport
oextern void glUseFXFont(FXFont* font, int first, int count, int list)
Create a display list of bitmaps from font glyphs in a font
oextern FXbool fxloadICO(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height)
Load a ICO file from a streamLoad a ICO file from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsaveICO(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXColor transp, FXint width, FXint height)
Save a ICO file to a streamSave a ICO file to a stream
otypedef FXint (*FXIconListSortFunc)(const FXIconItem*, const FXIconItem*)
Icon item collate function
oextern FXbool fxloadJPG(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height, FXint& quality)
Load a jpeg from a streamLoad a jpeg from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsaveJPG(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXColor transp, FXint width, FXint height, FXint quality)
Save a jpeg to a streamSave a jpeg to a stream
oenum Normal way to show label
otypedef FXint (*FXListSortFunc)(const FXListItem*, const FXListItem*)
List item collate function
oenum List Box styles
o#define FXDECLARE(classname)
Macro to set up class declaration
o#define FXIMPLEMENT(classname,baseclassname,mapping,nmappings)
Macro to set up class implementation
o#define FXDECLARE_ABSTRACT(classname)
Macro to set up abstract class declaration
o#define FXIMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT(classname,baseclassname,mapping,nmappings)
Macro to set up abstract class implementation
o#define FXMETACLASS(classname)
MetaClass of a class
o#define FXDEFMAP(classname)
Set up map type
o#define FXMAPTYPES(typelo,typehi,func)
Define range of function types
o#define FXMAPTYPE(type,func)
Define range of function types
o#define FXMAPFUNCS(type,keylo,keyhi,func)
Define range of functions
o#define FXMAPFUNC(type,key,func)
Define one function
oextern FXbool fxloadPCX(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height)
Load a bmp file from a streamLoad a PCX file from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsavePCX(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXColor transp, FXint width, FXint height)
Save a bmp file to a streamSave a PCX file to a stream
oextern FXbool fxloadPNG(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height)
Load a png from a streamLoad a png from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsavePNG(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXColor transp, FXint width, FXint height)
Save a png to a streamSave a png to a stream
oextern FXbool fxloadRGB(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height)
Load a IRIS-RGB image file from a streamLoad a IRIS-RGB file from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsaveRGB(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXColor transp, FXint width, FXint height)
Save a bmp file to a streamSave a IRIS-RGB file to a stream
oenum Statusbar options
oenum FXStreamDirection
Stream data flow direction
oenum FXStreamStatus
Stream status codes
oextern FXbool fxloadTGA(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXuint& channels, FXint& width, FXint& height)
Load a TARGA file from a streamLoad a TARGA file from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsaveTGA(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXuint channels, FXint width, FXint height)
Save a TARGA file to a streamSave a TARGA file to a stream
oextern FXbool fxloadTIF(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height, FXushort& codec)
Load a tiff from a streamLoad a tiff from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsaveTIF(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXColor transp, FXint width, FXint height, FXushort codec)
Save a tiff to a streamSave a tiff to a stream
Default cell margin
ostruct FXTablePos
Position in table
ostruct FXTableRange
Range of table cells
oenum FXTextSelectionMode
Selection modes
otypedef FXint (*FXTreeListSortFunc)(const FXTreeItem*, const FXTreeItem*)
Tree item collate function
oenum Tree List Box styles
oFXString hostname()
Return host name
oFXString fileToURL(const FXString& file)
Return URL of filename
oFXString fileFromURL(const FXString& url)
Return filename from URL, empty if url is not a local file
oextern FXbool fxloadXPM(const FXchar** pix, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height)
Load an X Pixmap from array of stringsLoad an X Pixmap from array of strings
oextern FXbool fxloadXPM(FXStream& store, FXuchar*& data, FXColor& transp, FXint& width, FXint& height)
Load an X Pixmap file from a streamLoad an X Pixmap file from a stream
oextern FXbool fxsaveXPM(FXStream& store, const FXuchar* data, FXColor transp, FXint width, FXint height)
Save an X Pixmap file to a streamSave an X Pixmap file to a stream
o#define EULER
Euler constant
o#define DTOR
Multiplier for degrees to radians
o#define RTOD
Multipier for radians to degrees
oenum FOX Mouse buttons
oenum FOX window visibility modes
o#define FXABS(val)
Abolute value
o#define FXMAX(a,b)
Return the maximum of a or b
o#define FXMIN(a,b)
Return the minimum of a or b
o#define FXMIN3(x,y,z)
Return the minimum of x, y and z
o#define FXMAX3(x,y,z)
Return the maximum of x, y and z
o#define FXMINMAX(lo,hi,a,b)
Return minimum and maximum of a, b
o#define FXCLAMP(lo,x,hi)
Clamp value x to range [lohi]
o#define FXSWAP(a,b,t)
Swap a pair of numbers
o#define FXLERP(a,b,f)
Linear interpolation between a and b, where 0<=f<=1
o#define STRUCTOFFSET(str,member)
Offset of member in a structure
o#define ARRAYNUMBER(array)
Number of elements in a static array
o#define CONTAINER(ptr,str,mem)
Container class of a member class
o#define MKUINT(l,h)
Make int out of two shorts
o#define SELTYPE(s)
Get type from selector
o#define SELID(s)
Get ID from selector
o#define FXBITREVERSE(b)
Reverse bits in byte
o#define FXRGBA(r,g,b,a)
Make RGBA colorMake RGBA color
o#define FXRGB(r,g,b)
Make RGB colorMake RGB color
o#define FXREDVAL(rgba)
Get red value from RGBA colorGet red value from RGBA color
o#define FXGREENVAL(rgba)
Get green value from RGBA colorGet green value from RGBA color
o#define FXBLUEVAL(rgba)
Get blue value from RGBA colorGet blue value from RGBA color
o#define FXALPHAVAL(rgba)
Get alpha value from RGBA colorGet alpha value from RGBA color
o#define FXRGBACOMPVAL(rgba,comp)
Get component value of RGBA colorGet component value of RGBA color
o#define FXASSERT(exp)
FXASSERT() prints out a message when the expression fails, and nothing otherwise.
o#define FXTRACE(arguments)
FXTRACE() allows you to trace the execution of your application with increasing levels of detail the higher the trace level.
o#define FXMALLOC(ptr,type,no)
Allocate no elements of type to the specified pointer
o#define FXCALLOC(ptr,type,no)
Allocate cleared memory
o#define FXRESIZE(ptr,type,no)
Resize a previously allocated block of memory
o#define FXMEMDUP(ptr,type,src,no)
Allocate and initialize memory
o#define FXFREE(ptr)
Free a block of memory allocated with either FXMALLOC or FXCALLOC
oextern FXuint fxrandom(FXuint& seed)
Simple, thread-safe, random number generator
oextern FXint fxmalloc(void** ptr, unsigned long size)
Allocate memory
oextern FXint fxcalloc(void** ptr, unsigned long size)
Allocate cleaned memory
oextern FXint fxresize(void** ptr, unsigned long size)
Resize memory
oextern FXint fxmemdup(void** ptr, unsigned long size, const void* src)
Duplicate memory
oextern void fxfree(void** ptr)
Free memory, resets ptr to NULL afterward
oextern voidfxerror (const char* format, ...)(1, 2)
Error routine
oextern voidfxwarning (const char* format, ...)(1, 2)
Warning routine
oextern voidfxmessage (const char* format, ...)(1, 2)
Log message to [typically] stderr
oextern void fxassert(const char* expression, const char* filename, unsigned int lineno)
Assert failed routine:- usually not called directly but called through FXASSERT
oextern voidfxtrace (unsigned int level, const char* format, ...)(2, 3)
Trace printout routine:- usually not called directly but called through FXTRACE
oextern void fxsleep(unsigned int n)
Sleep n microseconds
oextern FXint fxfilematch(const char* pattern, const char* string, FXuint flags=(FILEMATCH_NOESCAPE|FILEMATCH_FILE_NAME))
Match a file name with a pattern
oextern FXHotKey fxparseaccel(const FXchar* s)
Parse for accelerator key codes in a string
oextern FXHotKey fxparsehotkey(const FXchar* s)
Parse for hot key codes in a string
oextern FXint fxfindhotkeyoffset(const FXchar* s)
Locate hot key underline offset from begin of string
oextern FXColor makeHiliteColor(FXColor clr)
Get highlight color
oextern FXColor makeShadowColor(FXColor clr)
Get shadow color
oextern FXchar* fxgetusername(FXchar* result, FXuint uid)
Get user name from uid
oextern FXchar* fxgetgroupname(FXchar* result, FXuint gid)
Get group name from gid
oextern FXchar* fxgetpermissions(FXchar* result, FXuint mode)
Get permissions string from mode
oextern FXint fxgetpid()
Get process id
oextern FXchar* fxstrdup(const FXchar* str)
Duplicate string
oextern FXint fxstrhash(const FXchar* str)
Calculate a hash value from a string
oextern FXColor fxcolorfromname(const FXchar* colorname)
Get RGB value from color name
oextern FXchar* fxnamefromcolor(FXchar* colorname, FXColor color)
Get name of (closest) color to RGB
oextern void fxrgb_to_hsv(FXfloat& h, FXfloat& s, FXfloat& v, FXfloat r, FXfloat g, FXfloat b)
Convert RGB to HSV
oextern void fxhsv_to_rgb(FXfloat& r, FXfloat& g, FXfloat& b, FXfloat h, FXfloat s, FXfloat v)
Convert HSV to RGB
oextern FXint fxieeefloatclass(FXfloat number)
Floating point number classification: 0=OK, +/-1=Inf, +/-2=NaN
oextern const FXuchar fxversion[3]
Version number that the library has been compiled with
oextern unsigned int fxTraceLevel
Controls tracing level
oenum StatusBar options

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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