
struct FXPrinter

Describes printer

[more]FXString name
Printer name
[more]FXuint firstpage
First page that can be printed
[more]FXuint lastpage
Last page that can be printed
[more]FXuint currentpage
Current page to print
[more]FXuint frompage
On output, this is the first page to print
[more]FXuint topage
On output, last page to print
[more]FXuint mediasize
Media size index
[more]FXdouble mediawidth
Width of paper in points [1/72 of an inch]
[more]FXdouble mediaheight
Height of paper in points
[more]FXdouble leftmargin
Left margin
[more]FXdouble rightmargin
Right margin
[more]FXdouble topmargin
Top margin
[more]FXdouble bottommargin
Bottom margin
[more]FXuint numcopies
Number of copies
[more]FXuint flags


Describes printer
oFXString name
Printer name

oFXuint firstpage
First page that can be printed

oFXuint lastpage
Last page that can be printed

oFXuint currentpage
Current page to print

oFXuint frompage
On output, this is the first page to print

oFXuint topage
On output, last page to print

oFXuint mediasize
Media size index

oFXdouble mediawidth
Width of paper in points [1/72 of an inch]

oFXdouble mediaheight
Height of paper in points

oFXdouble leftmargin
Left margin

oFXdouble rightmargin
Right margin

oFXdouble topmargin
Top margin

oFXdouble bottommargin
Bottom margin

oFXuint numcopies
Number of copies

oFXuint flags

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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