
class FXImage

Image class


Public Methods

[more] FXImage(FXApp* a, const void* pix=NULL, FXuint opts=0, FXint w=1, FXint h=1)
Create an image
[more]FXuchar* getData() const
To get to the pixel data
[more]FXuint getOptions() const
To get to the option flags
[more]void setOptions(FXuint opts)
Change options
[more]FXint getChannels() const
Return number of channels, RGB or RGBA
[more]FXColor getPixel(FXint x, FXint y) const
Get pixel at x,y
[more]void setPixel(FXint x, FXint y, FXColor color)
Change pixel at x,y
[more]virtual void create()
Create image resource
[more]virtual void detach()
Detach image resource
[more]virtual void destroy()
Destroy image resource
[more]virtual void restore()
Restore client-side pixel buffer from image
[more]virtual void render()
Render the image from client-side pixel buffer
[more]virtual void resize(FXint w, FXint h)
Resize pixmap to the specified width and height
[more]virtual void scale(FXint w, FXint h)
Rescale pixels image to the specified width and height
[more]virtual void mirror(FXbool horizontal, FXbool vertical)
Mirror image horizontally and/or vertically
[more]virtual void rotate(FXint degrees)
Rotate image by degrees ccw
[more]virtual void crop(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Crop image to given rectangle
[more]virtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save object to stream
[more]virtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load object from stream
[more]virtual void savePixels(FXStream& store) const
Save pixel data only
[more]virtual void loadPixels(FXStream& store)
Load pixel data only
[more]virtual ~FXImage()

Inherited from FXDrawable:

Public Methods

oFXint getWidth() const
oFXint getHeight() const
oFXVisual* getVisual() const
ovoid setVisual(FXVisual* vis)

Inherited from FXId:

Public Methods

oFXApp* getApp() const
oFXID id() const
ovoid setUserData(void* ptr)
ovoid* getUserData() const

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const


Image class
o FXImage(FXApp* a, const void* pix=NULL, FXuint opts=0, FXint w=1, FXint h=1)
Create an image

oFXuchar* getData() const
To get to the pixel data

oFXuint getOptions() const
To get to the option flags

ovoid setOptions(FXuint opts)
Change options

oFXint getChannels() const
Return number of channels, RGB or RGBA

oFXColor getPixel(FXint x, FXint y) const
Get pixel at x,y

ovoid setPixel(FXint x, FXint y, FXColor color)
Change pixel at x,y

ovirtual void create()
Create image resource

ovirtual void detach()
Detach image resource

ovirtual void destroy()
Destroy image resource

ovirtual void restore()
Restore client-side pixel buffer from image

ovirtual void render()
Render the image from client-side pixel buffer

ovirtual void resize(FXint w, FXint h)
Resize pixmap to the specified width and height

ovirtual void scale(FXint w, FXint h)
Rescale pixels image to the specified width and height

ovirtual void mirror(FXbool horizontal, FXbool vertical)
Mirror image horizontally and/or vertically

ovirtual void rotate(FXint degrees)
Rotate image by degrees ccw

ovirtual void crop(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Crop image to given rectangle

ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save object to stream

ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load object from stream

ovirtual void savePixels(FXStream& store) const
Save pixel data only

ovirtual void loadPixels(FXStream& store)
Load pixel data only

ovirtual ~FXImage()

Direct child classes:
class FXDCWindow
class FXDrawable
class FXTopWindow

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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