
struct FXFontDesc

Font style

[more]FXchar face[48]
Face name
[more]FXuint size
Size in deci-points
[more]FXuint weight
Weight [light, normal, bold, ...]
[more]FXuint slant
Slant [normal, italic, oblique, ...]
[more]FXuint encoding
Encoding of character set
[more]FXuint setwidth
Set width [normal, condensed, expanded, ...]
[more]FXuint flags


Font style
oFXchar face[48]
Face name

oFXuint size
Size in deci-points

oFXuint weight
Weight [light, normal, bold, ...]

oFXuint slant
Slant [normal, italic, oblique, ...]

oFXuint encoding
Encoding of character set

oFXuint setwidth
Set width [normal, condensed, expanded, ...]

oFXuint flags

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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