Terminology =========== This writeup is meant to provide quick definitions for a number of networking terms that we will use as we discuss networking security issues. The writeup is structured into a number of topics: General concepts Layering Terms associated with different layers Terms associated with TCP Protocols known by their acronyms Notions particular to DNS which in general reflects the order in which we discuss different facets of networking in the overview lecture. Within each topic, terms are listed alphabetically, except for "General concepts" they (basically) follow the order of discussion in lecture. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ General concepts: Protocol How a communication between distinct parties is specified and structured. This includes both its format (how to determine the value of different groups of bits) and its semantics (how to interpret what particular information those values convey). Header The portion of a packet or a message that includes information particular to a given protocol. The term refers to the fact that generally headers come *before* the "data" (or "payload") portion of the packet or message. Headers for different protocols often come one after another, a reflection of *layering*. End system A computer that originates or receives packets in a network, but does not forward them on behalf of other systems. Host This term is usually used as a synonym for "End system". Sometimes, however, it is used as a synonym for the related concept of "Node". Node A computer that's a member of a network. This can be either an "end system" or a "router". Packet An atomic unit of structured communication. In lowest level terms, a series of bits sent consecutively along a network link. The bits a structured in terms of headers (reflecting the management information associated with different protocols) and data for those protocols, also referred to as "payload". Forwarding Transmitting a packet or message along a single network connection. End-to-end Considering (or implementing) a property all the way from its ultimate source to its ultimate destination. Often used in contrast to "Hop-by-hop". For example, end-to-end protection against packets getting mangled during transmission would be implemented by the sender including some sort of checksum for a message, and only the ultimate receiver testing to see whether the checksum validates, discarding the message if it does not validate. Layering Building one protocol in terms of using the capabilities and services provided by another protocol. This is especially done in terms of a "protocol stack". See below for a separate section on the names of standard network layers. Protocol stack A suite of protocols for which those at each layer (see below) uses the functionality provided to it by one or more protocols at the next layer "below" (i.e., by the protocol one level below). Link A communication path between/among two or more computers. If specifically between two computers, the link is referred to as a "point-to-point" link. If among more than two, it is generally a "broadcast" link. Subnetwork or Subnet A network that uses a single physical technology. That is, all of the nodes in the network can communicate with one another using that technology. Hop-by-hop Considering (or implementing) a property in terms of explicitly propagating it through each forwarding step along a network path. For example, hop-by-hop protection against packets getting mangled during transmission could be implemented by each router validating a packet's checksum and discarding the packet if the checksum fails to validate. The router might also compute a new checksum prior to forwarding the packet. Routing Used to both refer to the process of computing hop-by-hop paths through a network, and to refer to the act of forwarding packets along those paths. Datagram See "Packet" (synonym). Message A unit of communication between a sender and a receiver. In some contexts, this is the same as "Packet" (see below), but in other contexts, a message may be made up of multiple packets. For example, a single Web request is one HTTP "message", but may require a large number of TCP messages (packets), each of which is sent using an IP packet. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Layering: General notion The Internet's design is layered, with each layer scoped to provide a particular general class of functionality. Each layer is designed to use the functionality provided by the layer immediately below it, and to make available functionality for use by the layer immediately above it. Physical layer The lowest layer in the Internet's design ("layer 1"). Provides the service of transmitting individual bits over a single physical link. Link layer Uses the physical layer to transmit collections of bits that have been grouped (or "framed") together into individual messages ("packets") for transmission across a single subnetwork. Also referred to as "layer 2". Internetwork layer or Network layer or IP layer (or just IP) Uses the link layers provided by a series of network hops to connect together multiple subnets and provide end-to-end "internetwork" connectivity between nodes. As part of providing this, introduces a notion of "global" (Internet-wide) addresses. Also referred to as "layer 3". IP = "Internet protocol", and refers to the Internet's layer 3 protocol. Transport layer Uses IP to provide end-to-end communication between processes. Can include a lot of additional end-to-end functionality (such as reliability), though this is not a fundamental requirement. Includes a notion of "ports" to identify the processes associated with the communication. Also referred to as "layer 4". Application layer Uses a transport-layer protocol to provide functional end-to-end communication. All sorts of styles of communication are possible. Examples are email (the "SMTP" protocol), web ("HTTP"), Skype, and BitTorrent. Also referred to as "layer 7 " (NOT "layer 5", due to ancient history). -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Terms associated with different layers: Address / IP address A network-layer term that identifies a location in the Internet. Addresses usually refer to individual network nodes, though some nodes can have multiple addresses, and some devices ("NATs") can remap addresses of nodes Best effort The datagram delivery service provided by IP (the Internet's network layer). Despite the name, it actually means "IP will not callously throw away a packet without reason - but it will give one try at forwarding/delivering a packet, and if that fails, it will give up and throw it away". Broadcast The ability for a single message to be received by every node on a network. Usually used in the context of physical-layer or link-layer transmission, such as electrical signals along a shared cable (physical layer) or WiFi's everyone-receives-each-transmission (link layer). Port A transport-layer notion that associates a 16-bit number with a process at a given communication endpoint. Internet transport-layer headers include a *source* port (the number associated with the sender's process) and a *destination* port (the number associated with the receiver's process). Some ports are by convention associated with specific application-layer protocols, such as TCP's port 80 with the HTTP protocol used for standard web access. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Terms associated with TCP: Acknowledgment A statement from one host in a TCP connection to the other host confirming the reception of either a portion of the byte stream or a previous control message. Byte Stream An abstraction provided by the Internet's main transport protocol, TCP. A byte stream is a sequence of bytes that a sender transmits into the network and that subsequently arrives in the same order, and with high reliability, at the receiver. Each TCP connection has *two* separate byte streams, one from the host that initiated the connection (the "client") to the host that accepted it (the "server"), and one from the server to the client. Control flags Bits in the TCP header that indicate particular types of information associated with managing the connection: SYN Indicates setting up a new connection. ACK Indicates that a TCP packet includes an acknowledgment of some sort. FIN Used to agree on terminating a connection. RST Indicates an abrupt termination of a connection because the host can no longer continue due to a problem. Initial sequence number or ISN A 32-bit number that identifies the index associated with the *beginning* of a byte stream. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Protocols known by their acronyms (for most, the expansion of the acronym isn't actually important, other than to help remember the acronym itself): DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol A layer-2 protocol for bootstrapping a host's network setup. Won't be covered until the second lecture. DNS Domain Name System A layer-7 protocol used to map human-readable names like www.google.com to Internet addresses. (Also provides other forms of mapping that we will discuss as needed.) HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol The main (layer-7) protocol used for Web transfers/access. IP Internet Protocol The Internet's layer 3 protocol. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol The layer-7 protocol used for email. Won't be covered until later in the class. TCP Transmission Control Protocol The Internet's most significant layer-4 protocol. Used to provide reliable communication between hosts. UDP User Datagram Protocol A lightweight layer-4 protocol, used for communication where simplicity outweighs the needs for more complex services such as reliability or a "byte stream" abstraction. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Notions particular to DNS: Authoritative name server The name server responsible for a subtree of the DNS naming hierarchy. For example, there is a set of authoritative name servers responsible for ".com", and a separate set of authoritative name servers for ".google.com". Name server A server that accepts incoming DNS lookup requests and returns DNS answers in reply. Resolver A server that a given client has been configured to use to get DNS answers. Sometimes this refers to a process running on the same computer as the client; other times it refers to a process running on a separate computer, such as an ISP's resolver, meaning the name server that an ISP configures its clients to use. Root The topmost point in the DNS naming hierarchy, also referred to as "." ("dot"). For example, both "com" and "org" are names that can be looked up in ".". Top-level domain or TLD A DNS name that comes just below the root, such as "com" or "org". These are often referred to with a leading dot, such as "dot-com" or "dot-org". TTL or Time To Live For DNS, refers to how long a DNS reply may be cached (in seconds). Note that TTL is used with a quite different meaning in the IP protocol header, though we will not encounter that use until later in the course (if at all).