******************************************************************************* About ZeroVirus III (c) Copyright 1989,1990 by Jonathan Potter ******************************************************************************* Over the months, ZeroVirus has grown into one of the most powerful and popular virus killers available on the Amiga. Unfortunately, updating and maintaining ZeroVirus takes time, and if I am to survive, I need that time to make money. It sounds a bit mercenary, but there it is. I still support the idea of freely distributable software, however, and so I have decided to adopt the following procedure. ZeroVirus 2 will be kept up to date with any new viruses as they appear. Also, any bugs that surface will be fixed. ZeroVirus 2 will not, however, be extended beyond that. If you use ZeroVirus 2 a lot and think that it is a good program (no false modesty, I know many of you do), you may like to purchase ZeroVirus III, the fully commercial version. ZeroVirus III has undergone significant changes, and is far superior to version 2. Among the enhancements are : o More aesthetic screens. The program looks MUCH nicer. Also, it does not need to go into interlace if you are running in NTSC. o The file requester, palette requester and message requesters have been vastly improved. o There are new custom bootblocks for the install function. o Some new functions have been added to the Bootblocks section, including the ability to hide various drives from AmigaDOS. The display of the bootblock has been sped up by about 2000%. o The new file catalogue function in the Files section allows you to create a catalogue of files on a disk. This catalogue can then be checked at a later date, and if any changes are noticed you are warned of them. The size, date and protection bits of the file can be checked. If any of these have changed, or the file does not exist anymore, and the changes can not be explained, it is a good indication of possible viral infection. o The editing functions in the BrainFiles section have been improved. It is much easier to move around in the brainfile, and the editing commands are easier to use. o A new section, Memory, allows you to check and view memory more throughly. o ZeroVirus III uses chip RAM very efficiently - the program only needs 2K of chip RAM when it is iconified. o The program is much more user friendly. It is very intuitive and easy to use, and detailed help is available at all steps. ZeroVirus III should be released sometime in February 1990. The expected retail price is $34.95. This will include the program, a professionally produced manual that is MUCH better than the normal ZeroVirus documentation, and maybe various other tidbits. You should realise that by using ZeroVirus 2 you are in NO WAY obligated to buy ZeroVirus III. Of course I would appreciate it if you did. For more information on ZeroVirus III, contact : Micro Momentum, Inc. P.O. Box 372 Washington Depot CT 06794 USA ph : (203) 567-8150 or Jonathan Potter P.O. Box 289 Goodwood SA 5034 Australia ph : (08) 293-2788