/* * XBTW32E2.TXT * * Service Level 2 notes for XbToolsIII Version 1.20.055 * for Window NT and Windows 95/98 (WIN32T) * * * Date: 11/01/1999 * */ ___________ 1. Overview This file contains important information about the installation procedure of this Service Level. ___________________________________ 2. Check your existing installation Please make sure you have the following products completely installed: - XbToolsIII 1.20.055 If this is not the case, install XbToolsIII completely new from your CD-ROM. 2.1 Note for Xbase++ 1.20.178 Users This release of the XbToolsIII requires Alaska Xbase++ 1.30.212 (ServiceLevel 2) installed. 2.2 Note for Blinker 5.x Users If you have copied the ..\LIB\OMF files into the ..\LIB directory, you must copy the files from the directory ..\LIB\COFF back into ..\LIB before you proceed with the Service Level installation. Due to some support issues we do not recommend any more to copy the OMF libraries into the ..\LIB directory when Blinker is used. Instead, we recommend to change the LIB environment variable so that it points to the appropriate directory: SET LIB=..\LIB\OMF ________________________________ 3. Copy the Service Level 2 file Download the file XBTW32E2.EXE to your computer. Now, copy the file XBTW32E2.EXE to the root path of your current XbToolsIII installation. [C:\ALASKA\XBTW32]copy \\XBTW32E2.EXE .\ NOTE: If you have received the Service Level on CD-ROM, you must copy the SL file to the harddisk of your computer. The ServiceLevel cannot be applied from CD-ROM! ____________________ 4. Apply the changes The XBTW32E2.EXE is a self-extracting archive with an auto-start feature. It unpacks the necessary files and applies all changes automatically. To install the Service Level, enter on the command line: [C:\ALASKA\XBTW32]XBTW32E2.EXE Watch out for any error messages and/or check the SERVICE.LOG for error messages. The patch works incremental. If you cancel the process or if an error occurs which you are able to resolve, you can restart the process at any time by entering on the command line: [C:\ALASKA\XBTW32]SERVICE.EXE The resulting XbToolsIII version number is 1.3.063. The version number can be verified by activating the 'Help->About' dialog of the online help or of the XbToolsIII Tester. __________________ 5. Deleting files If you don't have received the ServiceLevel on a CD-ROM, we recommend to keep a backup copy of the files you have downloaded. To avoid any interference with upcoming service levels please delete the files listed below from your installation directory. Here is the list of the files belonging to this ServiceLevel: XBTW32E2.EXE - The self-extracting archive. XBTW32E2.TXT - This file. XBTW32E2.RTP - Patch data file PATCHW32.DLL - The patch utility. SERVICE.EXE - The patch utility GUI frontend. SERVICE.LOG - This file will be created if the patch stopped due to errors. _________________________________ 6. How to contact Alaska Software Please report every information regarding this version to the newsgroup alaska-software.news.Xbase++ located on the news server news.alaska-software.com. To allow proper handling of your information, please include the product name including the version number you are talking about on the top of your message in a format like "XbTools 1.30.063". _______________________ 7. List of closed PDR's This is a list of PDRs closed between version 1.20.055 and 1.30.063. PDR 209-61 InputMode() returns different value as CA Tools3 ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-64 GetClearA does return wrong value at initial state ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-65 can't open COM higher then 9 ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-66 SpoolActive and SpoolAdd do not work together ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-67 ALERT box is not visible when Wxxxx is used ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-75 Internal data structures corrupted -> Function NumAt() ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-77 Function AddMonth() returns empty date ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-79 ShowTime doesn't work in Hybrid-Mode ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-81 AddMonth() returns empty date ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-82 DiskFree() and DiskTotal() return wrong values ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-85 StrScreen() does not care about rows ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-88 ScreenStr() works different; it does not mind the y value ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-89 WOM() does return wrong values ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-101 PosRepl() does not scan string beyond chr(0) ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-102 Expand runs into "internal data structures corrupted" ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-103 MaxRow()/ MaxCol() will not be replaced when linking XbTools ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-108 SaveGets returns an empty Array ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-125 FileSeek, FileDate, FileTime do not release file handle ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-126 DirName() does not return a leading "\" ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-127 AtNum() does not work when CHR(0) is searched for ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-132 isDebug() always returns .F. ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-136 FileSeek() quits app without any comment ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-137 NNetSDate() has Y2K error ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-138 WOPEN() doesn't stores the screen correctly ( Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 ) PDR 209-140 DiskFree() and drives > 2GB aren't recognized correctly ( Windows 95 ) Closed: 25