/* * XBTW32E1.TXT * * Service Level 1 notes for XbToolsIII Version 1.10.054 * for Window NT and Windows 95/98 (WIN32T) * * * Date: 10/23/1998 * */ ___________ 1. Overview This file contains important information about the installation procedure of this Service Level. ___________________________________ 2. Check your existing installation Please make sure you have the following products completely installed: - XbToolsIII 1.10.054 If this is not the case, install XbToolsIII completely new from your CD-ROM. 2.1 Note for Xbase++ 1.1. Users This release of the XbToolsIII requires Alaska Xbase++ 1.2 installed. 2.2 Note for Blinker 5.0 Users Copy the files from the directory ..\LIB\COFF into ..\LIB before you proceed with the Service Level installation. ________________________________ 3. Copy the Service Level 1 file Download the file XBTW32E1.EXE to your computer: Now, copy the file XBTW32E1.EXE to the root path of your current XbToolsIII installation. [C:\ALASKA\XBTW32]copy \\XBTW32E1.EXE .\ NOTE: If you have received the Service Level on CD-ROM, you must copy the SL-1 file to the harddisk of your computer. SL-1 cannot be applied from CD-ROM! ____________________ 4. Apply the changes The XBTW32E1.EXE is a self-extracting archive with an auto-start feature. It unpacks the necessary files and applies all changes automatically. To install the Service Level 1, enter on the DOS prompt: [C:\ALASKA\XBTW32]XBTW32E1.EXE Watch out for any error messages and/or check the SERVICE.LOG for error messages. The patch works incremental. If you cancel the process or if an error occurs which you are able to resolve, you can restart the process at any time by entering on the DOS prompt: [C:\ALASKA\XBTW32]SERVICE.EXE __________________ 5. Important notes Further information about important changes are available in the updated READ.ME file of XbToolsIII. You find it in the root directory of the XbToolsIII installation (default is: C:\ALASKA\XBTW32). _________________________________ 6. How to contact Alaska Software You can use one of the following possibilities: Customers in Europe, Middle East, Africa use: support@de.alaska-software.com CompuServe Forum: GO ALASKA FAX: (+49) 6196 / 957 222 Phone: (+49) 6196 / 957 20 Mail: Alaska Software GmbH Hauptstrasse 71-79 65760 Eschborn Germany Customers in America, Asia, Pacific, Australia use: support@us.alaska-software.com CompuServe Forum: GO ALASKA FAX: (+1) 970-242-1084 Phone: (+1) 970-242-7557 Mail: Alaska Software, Inc. 744 Horizon Court Suite 360 Grand Junction CO 81506 U.S.A.