/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // THIS IS PFL2381.TXT // // Copyright : // Alaska Software GmbH, (c) 2000. All rights reserved. // // Contents : // Installation guide for PFL2381 // // Disclaimer: // THIS FILE IS RELEASED AS IS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. THE PURPOSE OF // A PRIVATE-FIX-LEVEL (PFL) IS TO DELIVER PDR SPECIFIC FIXES // OF PRODUCT COMPONENTS TO THE REGISTERED USER. THIS IS DONE BY // SUBSTITUTION OF ONE OR MORE COMPONENTS OF THE PFL RELATED PRODUCT. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ___________ 1.0 Preface Please note that the Private Fix Level (PFL) covers only those problems listed under topic #4.0 in this file. PFLs are released by Alaska Software on an irregular basis, depending on the current demand of single or multiple customers or a particular 3rd party product. PFLs are released as a temporary solution for Alaska Software customers. All changes provided with a PFL will be included in a following and comprehensive product release. You are not required to install a PFL unless you are affected by a problem solved in a PFL. ________________ 2.0 Installation Before you install a PFL we strongly recommend to make backup copies of all original components going to be replaced by the PFL. Otherwise you may not be able to restore the pre-PFL state which is required for the installation of the next product release. You should install the PFL only when you want to resolve one of the problems listed under #4.0. If you install the PFL you must replace all components included in the PFL. For installation, proceed as follows: A.) Make sure that no Xbase++ application is running and no component of the development package is active. B.) Make backup copies of all files listed under #3.0 C.) If the PFL is shipped as a zipped archive, unpack the PFLxxxx.ZIP archive in a temporary directory. Copy the unpacked files into the appropriate directories of your Xbase++ installation. D.) If the PFL comes as a self-extracting EXE file, copy the file into the installaton root directory and execute it. ____________ 3.0 Contents This PFL replaces the following components of your Xbase++ installation: List of Files: XppRt1.dll (Default directory is: \XPPW32\lib) XppUi1.dll (Default directory is: \XPPW32\lib) XppUi2.dll (Default directory is: \XPPW32\lib) CdxDbe.dll (Default directory is: \XPPW32\lib) FoxDbe.dll (Default directory is: \XPPW32\lib) NtxDbe.dll (Default directory is: \XPPW32\lib) foxdbe.ch (Default directory is: \XPPW32\include) ________________ 4.0 Related PDRs XPPUI1.dll 3595 Metafile display incorrect depending on font setting A metafile created on a system that was configured to use "Small Fonts" (see display properties) may not display correctly on a system running with a different font setting. The output may appear distorted or off-center. XPPUI1.dll 3889 Showing hidden MDI child window may yield garbled display Creating an invisible MDI child window and calling :show() to display it later may cause the parent dialog's drawing area to repaint incorrectly. This only happens if the MDI child window the user was working with before the hidden child was created had been maximized. XPPUI1.dll 3911 Hidden XbpDialog will be shown when adding a menu entry Adding a menu item to the menubar of an invisible XbpDialog object cause the dialog to be inadvertendly shown. Furthermore, paint errors may occur within the dialog, eg. the interior of the drawing area may not be redrawn correctly. A dialog is made invisible by either passing FALSE to the "lVisible" parameter to :"new()" and/or ":create()" or by calling ":hide()" on a dialog that is currently visible. XPPUI1.dll 3939 Creating hidden MDI child may cause incorrect repaints Creating a hidden MDI child ("lVisible" parameter to :new() and/or :create() was set to FALSE) may cause incorrect repaints. This may happen if another MDI child window is maximized at the time the hidden child is created. The effect of this anomaly is that the previous child window's visual state is not updated correctly. If the new child's creation causes an implicit normalization of the previous child, for example, the child's frame may only painted partly or not at all. XPPUI1.dll 3949 navigating the parent work area of a relation may lead to unknow variable/symbol error in child work areas If the child area has an index open, and the parent is at EOF or empty - which in turn forces the child to go to EOF a runtime error "unknow variable/symbol" is raised. The problem here is the wrong context (active workarea) while the child is synchronized. XPPUI1.dll 3957 XbpPrinter:setPaperBin() does not select device-specific bins Attempting to select a paper bin outside the range predefind in "xbpdev.ch" fails; "XbpPrinter:setPaperBin()" returns failure even if "XbpPrinter:paperBins()" lists the bin as being available. XPPUI1.dll 3967 The hierarchy of a relation isn't scanned completly A relation on a database (parent - child) works great but if I then have a second relation in which the parent of the first is the child of the second, the first relation isn't synchronized when navigating on the parent of the second relation. XPPUI1.dll 3979 Entering a key with ALT-Keypad inserts two chars Entering keys with ALT-Keypad will enter the key two times into the edit control. XPPUI1.dll 3981 XbpHelp:ShowHelp did not correctly terminate string XbpHelp():ShowHelp( cID ) did not correctly terminate the help string in case HTMLHelp is used. XPPUI1.dll 3982 XbpTreeViewItem:DelItem() problems XbpTreeViewItem:DelItem( oItem ) will crash with IDSC when oItem is no tree view item. XPPUI2.dll 3960 XbpBrowse will navigate wrong in some cases When calling the navigate method while the browser has been scrolled and not stabilized, than the browser will stabilize wrong. XPPUI2.dll 3961 XbpBrowse:setsize() will show browser when invisible Issuing ::setSize() to an xbpBrowse() makes the browse visible, even when the browse is hidden (version 1.5) XPPUI2.dll 3976 XbpBrowse does not refresh correctly XbpBrowse will not correctly refresh the invisible columns when pressing CTRL_PGDN or CTRL-PGUP. XPPUI2.dll 3977 XbpBrowse does not refresh correctly The XbpBrowse does not refresh the displayed table correctly if it is used by the keyboard-keys 'HOME', 'END' and 'PAGE DOWN'. XPPUI2.dll 3980 XbpBrowse is not correctly redrawn when created invisible When XbpBrowse is created in a invisible parent and the show method of the browser is called, it might not be correctly redrawn XPPRT1.dll 3916 IDSC on OrdCreate with parent/child relation OrdCreate() fails with IDSC when index key required values from child. This worked on version 1.3. XPPRT1.dll 3952 Euro symbol does not work The EURO symbol does not display neither can be entered into an entry field. NTXDBE.dll 3953 NTXDBE: keys are missing in the index NTXDBE: Under some circumstances keys are missing in the index file when a FOR expression is used. CDXDBE.dll 3956 CDXDBE: error when creating a lot of tags When creating a lot of tags the CDXDBE crashes. FOXDBE.dll 3974 FOXDBE locks different to FP 2.6 Running Xbase++'s FOXDBE against FP 2.6 uses different locking schemes and thus do not see each others locks. This is the case for tables _WITH_ a CDX file. Plain tables work correctly. _______________________ 5.0 Technical Support You can use either of the following possibilities: E-Mail address for customers in Europe, Middle East, Africa: support@de.alaska-software.com E-Mail address for customers in America, Asia, Pacific, Australia: support@us.alaska-software.com FAX: (+49) 6196 / 957 222 Phone: (+49) 6196 / 957 20 Mail: Alaska Software Hauptstrasse 71-79 65760 Eschborn Germany