
Easy Xbase++ accessible interface to Windows MAPI

- Version 1.02 -


This is freeware and can be freely distributed. It is offered ôas isö, the author does not take any responsibility. Comments welcome to


This dll offers easy access to most commonly needed Windows MAPI functions (Windows Messaging API) for Xbase++ programmers. It has been tested to work with MS-Outlook, MS-Outlook Express in Windows 98 / Windows 2000 / Windows XP environments. However it should work with any e-mail program, which is registered as main e-mail program for windows.


This version offers a set of functions for sending mails and poll the inbox for received mails. Since Xbase++ does not easily let the programmer exchange Structures or pointers with APIs, all parameters are to be passed as integers or strings, resp. reference to string buffers. The send-mail functions include popping up the e-mail editor with preset addresses, subject, message text and attachments, or directly store a mail to the outbox. The inbox-poll functions give access to message items like ôsubject, message, receipt date, recipientsö and also lets access file attachments. Messages can be marked as read after polling, or deleted from the inbox if applicable.





This attached file is Xbase++ sample code and demonstrates the usage of the interface functions. An overview of the interface functions is at the end of this document. Here is a short outline what MAPIDEMO.PRG does:



Is invoked automatically at startup. It loads the SocMapi.dll library and initialises handles to all exported dll functions. Which then can be accessed with DllEcecuteCall(). It then calls SocMapiInit(),which initialises the Windows MAPI (generally MAPI32.DLL). An according call to SocMapiDeInit() at program shutdown is not necessary.



Calls SocMapiLogon(), which opens a MAPI session. The MAPI session can be left logon, until all MAPI activities are done but should be at least logged off with SocMapiLogoff() at program shutdown. Only one MAPI Session at a time is supported.


3. PROCEDURE DemoSendMail()

Demonstrates the SendMail functions. SocMapiSendMail()opens the mail editor with preset data, SocMapiPostMail() directly stores a mail to the outbox. Both functions receive 5 parameters:

-        cAdresses: Is a string with one or several e-mail addresses, delimited with a semicolon ô;ö. CC or BCC addresses are indicated with the prefix ôCC:öá resp. ôBCC:ö. (Up to 256 adresses can be passed theoretically. Has not been tested yet)

-        cSubject: Is a string with the Message Subject.

-        cMessage: Is a string with the Message Text.

-        cAttachments: Is a string with the full path names of the attachments. Several attachments are delimited with a semicolon ô;ö. (theoretically up to 256 attachments û not yet tested.)

-        nFlags: Is an integer with the message flags. Combine several flags by adding them. However for sending mails actually only the flag: FLAG_RECEIPT_REQUESTED is useful. Valid Flags are #defined in MAPIDEMO.PRG. In case no Flags are set, make sure to use NOFLAG. DonÆt leave that parameter uninitialised.


Both functions don┤t necessarily require a logged on MAPI session. In case no Session is available, (no call to SocMapiLogon() has been done) a temporary session is established, which automatically terminates after function call is completed.


The e-mail editor dialog will popup as modal window. That is, the program execution of the current thread stops and continues once the mail dialog has ended. Several calls to SocMapiSendMail in parallel threads are possible, provided the mail program supports several editor windows per MAPI Session. It appears that Outlook express does support that, whereas Outlook seems to require one session per dialog. (Several sessions are not supported by this interface).


4. PROCEDURE DemoProcessInbox()

Demonstrates the Inbox poll functions. The principle can be understood similar to the handling of a Database.


1)    Open the mail programÆs Inbox (InboxOpen())

2)    Go to first message (InboxGoTop()), which sets kind of a ôRecord pointerö to the first message.

3)    Retrieve all items from the current message and display them on the screen.

4)    Mark current message as read.

5)    Skip to next message (InboxSkip()) and repeat from 3. Optionally pass a #define Flag to delete the message before skipping.

6)    Close the Inbox (InboxClose()), which frees allocated memory.


The Demo procedure calls AskFlag( nFlagID ). It returns 1 if a Flag is set and 0 if not set. A message has three different flags, according Flag-IDÆs are #defined in MAPIDEMO.PRG.


A message might contain several attachments. The number of attachments can be determined by a Call to CountAttachments(). If this number is not zero, the attachments can be stored to file with a call to SaveAttachments(). This stores all attachments to the Windows temp folder. The path to each of those files then can be determined by repeated calls to GetMessageItem( nID, nItemPos ).


5. FUNCTION GetMessageItem( nID, nItemPos )

This function is called repeatedly and returns the requested Item indicated by nID for the current message. Valid nID┤s are #define┤d in MAPIDEMO.PRG.

It calls AskBufferSize( nID, nItemPos ),á itÆs purpose is to determine the buffer size necessary to hold the content of the desired message item. The size then is used to initialise a buffer string accordingly. A reference to the large enough buffer then is given to StuffBuffer( nID, nItemPos, @cBuffer, nBufSize ), which fills the buffer with the desired content.


nID here is a #define constant, that indicates the desired message item e.g. ID_SUBJECT, ID_MESSAGE, ... )


nItemPos needs to be passed, in case several items of one type are within one message. That is the case for ID_RECIPIENTS and ID_ATTACHMENTS. The number of Recipients resp. Attachments in one message can be determined by a call to CountRecipients() resp.á CountAttachments(). The returned number should be used to do a repeated call to GetMessageItem( nID, nItemPos ) within a For/Next loop.


@cBuffer is the String buffer passed as reference to the function, which is filled with the Item content.


@nBufSize is passed, to make sure that the buffer size is not exceeded when the function stuffs the buffer.



function reference


Please see MAPIDEMO.PRG for details on parameters and return values.


SocMapiIsInitááááááááááááááá Determines if MAPI is already initialized

SocMapiInitáááááááááááááááááá Initializes MAPI

SocMapiDeInitáááááááááááááá DeInitializes MAPI


SocMapiIsLoggedOnáááááááááá Dertermines if already logged onto a MAPI session.

SocMapiLogonááááááááááááá Loggs onto a MAPI session

SocMapiLogoffááááááááááááá Loggs off from a MAPI session


SocMapiSendMailáááááááááá Opens the mail editor with some preset Data

SocMapiPostMailáááááááááá Directly puts a mail in the outbox (without a Dialog)


InboxOpenááááááááááááááááááá Initializes for further actions with the Inbox

InboxCloseááááááááááááááááááá Frees memory that has been allocated with the inbox functions

InboxGoTopáááááááááááááááááá Positions the "Record pointer" to the first message in the inbox and reads it.

InboxSkipááááááááááááááááááááá Skips to the next message in the inbox and reads it.


AskFlagááááááááááááááááááááááá Determines the Flags of a message (unread, Receipt requested, sent)

AskBufferSizeáááááááááááááá Determines, how much buffer must be allocated for the following "StuffBuffer" call.

StuffBufferááááááááááááááááááá Stuffs the buffer with a string for the desired message-element.


CountRecipientsáááááááááá Counts the number of recipients for the current message.

CountAttachmentsáááááááááá counts the number of attachments for the current message.

SaveAttachmentsáááááááááá Stores all attachments of a message to temporary files.

MarkAsReadáááááááááááááááá Marks current message as read