Hardware etc.

The main problem is that TEXuses lots of RAM memory and disk space. The executable file TEX.TTP takes about 200 k , PLAIN.FMT is about 120k and LPLAIN.FMT is about 250k and the FONT METRICS (TFM) are about 70k . The program uses almost 1 meg of RAM so there is no room for a RAM disk. A few extra megs of RAM would be ideal so everything could go on a RAM disk. A hard disk is the next best. It is possible to use on a single floppy drive, swapping disks,but it is slow.

To use LATEX use command TEX &LPLAIN filename. This reads file LPLAIN.FMT (LATEX macro library).

Times for Latexing a 5 page document are:

25 seconds to load TEX.TTP and LPLAIN, 1:15 total
2:23 to load TEX.TTP and LPLAIN, 3:46 total (swapping disk)
VAX 750-
0:52 CPU time. VAX lightly loaded at time.