Tools, Products, and Packages

  • High quality integrated development environments (IDEs) are being shipped on a number of platforms. This includes smart editors, quality debuggers, and GUI builders

  • A number of new APIs are being worked on:
    • RMI -- remote method invocation
    • JDBC -- interaction with SQL databases
    • Electronic commerce
    • 2D and 3D media
    • Network Management API

  • Java Beans supplies component API to permit Applets to work with S/W component architectures, e.g., ActiveX, OpenDoc, etc.

* Editors Note : The JDK 1.1 has officially been released.

Detailed Description:

"Let's look at some of the developments that are occurring within the Java world today. First, a number of vendors are producing integrated development environments (IDEs). These are providing an integrated edit-compile-debug cycle and allowing a graphical user interface to help manipulate and maintain a seamless environment. They include smart editors, quality debuggers, and GUI builders.

At the same time, Java is changing, too. The current version of Java is 1.02. Java 1.1 is going to have some additional changes. Most everything in Java 1.0 will be compatible. Additions include things like remote method invocation (RMI), allowing one object on one system to send messages to objects on other systems, and JDBC to allow you to interact with relational (SQL) databases. That connection's very important and very necessary for commercial use. At the same time, electronic commerce is going to be added. We need secure connections and the capability of sending electronic information commerce. At the same time, the interface for multimedia 2D and 3D is expanding. Finally, network management API will be added.

Many other things are taking place in the Java environment. One of the more interesting ones is in the area of JavaBeans. JavaBeans is a technology to do component architecture using Java. These components allow you create complex applications by wiring together simpler components. It is based on similar work from Opendoc and ActiveX. JavaBeans is a very interesting concept and a number of vendors are interested in JavaBeans including IBM."