Applet Class

  • Each Applet inherits from java.applet.Applet

  • This class provides the necessary structure to coordinate with a Web browser

  • Key methods to understand and potentially implement/override:
    • A no-argument (default) constructor
    • init()
    • start()
    • stop()
    • destroy()

  • If your Applet has any graphics, look at:
    • repaint()
    • update()
    • paint()

    Detailed Description:

           "The diagram shows that the java.applet.Applet or the Applet class is being inherited by your applet. We'll be using this notation through the course. The triangle that's on the line between the two boxes represents inheritance, which is called "is a", or "is a kind of". So this says your applet (reading in the direction of the arrow) is a kind of applet and that makes sense here. We'll be seeing other cases as we go through the graphical user interface where we use this similar type of notation. Remember that the box represents classes, and this line with the triangle on it represents inheritance."