Language Elements

  • ANSI C control structures

  • Arrays and strings are objects

  • No handle to real or virtual memory addresses. No C/C++ style pointer arithmetic

  • Memory reclaimed via garbage collector

  • Support for exceptions. The Java run-time exports errors as exceptions

  • Support for creating and managing threads

  • Built-in concurrency control API in Object

Detailed Description:

"Memory is being reclaimed by a garbage collector. No longer do you have to worry about making sure that every allocation ('new') that you do to allocate information in heap is freed ('delete') or every 'malloc' is returned with a 'free'. Garbage collection is probably one of the best things that has been added to Java to make programming easier.

There is support for exceptions. The exception model follows the exception model that's provided in C++. Even Java's run-time, its virtual machine, and its class library use these exceptions throughout. So you'll have to work with exceptions in Java; you can't ignore them. We'll go into detail as we go through our language information later."