Connection to Alternate Services

  • With socket support, Java Applets and applications can connect to any standard Internet service

  • Applets can run as ftp clients, gopher clients, news readers, POP mail clients, ...

  • Can also connect to customized services, e.g., Z39.50, agent-based "negotiation" services, distributed games, chat rooms, ...

Detailed Description:

" Let's look at connecting to services other than web servers. With its networking class library, Java can connect to services such as FTP, Gopher, and other standard TCP/IP services. In addition, Java also can connect to custom services, such as library catalog systems or Z39.50, agent-based negotiation services, or other specific services that are unique to your application environment.

Now if you look at the bottom of the page, the FTP client, which is your Java applet, can transmit (working with the FTP protocol using the Java network class library) over to an FTP server. This is all possible using Java's class library."