Stable and Powerful Packages

  • Windowed GUIs
    • Full set of standard window-based GUI classes
    • Extremely easy to build GUI clients

  • Images and Audio
    • Support for creating Image objects from .gif , .jpg etc.
    • Includes interfaces to support image processing "filters"
    • Applets can also play audio files

  • Networking
    • Library supports retrieving files, images, etc. via URL
    • Full support system for stream sockets, providing access to Internet-based services
    • Internet-wise Virtual Machine can dynamically load classes over the network

Detailed Description:

"The first class library is the windowed GUI (graphical user interface) class library. The name of this class library is the abstract window toolkit (AWT) and it's a reasonable set of windowing classes. We can create things like buttons, labels, text fields, and other things like that. Most programmers and developers find it quite easy to use."