Java, A Concurrent OOPL
- Shares characteristics of both C++ and Smalltalk
- Smalltalk
- Similar object model (single-rooted inheritance) hierarchy, access to objects via
reference only, ...)
- Compiled to byte-code (initially interpreted)
- Dynamic memory layout plus garbage collection
- C++
- Same syntax for expressions, statements, and control flow
- Similar OO structural syntax (classes,
access protection, constructors, method declaration, ...)
- Adds threads and synchronization primitives
- Objects can force mutual exclusions of threads running inside them
Detailed Description:
"Now let's compare Java to C++. The syntax of Java looks very much like C++.
In fact, various journals suggest that a few hours is all that's needed to understand the
basic Java syntax. Compared to C++, Java uses similar syntax for if-statements
and while loops and other control constructs.
Likewise, the structure of Java syntax is
very much the same. It has classes, it has methods (instead of member functions), and
the access protection (such as private, public, and protected) is similar. The notion
of a constructor is all very similar to what C++ has."