What is Java?

  • An Object Oriented Programming Language developed at Sun Microsystems

  • A Virtual Machine (run-time environment) that can be embedded in web browsers (such as Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and IBM WebExplorer) and operating systems

  • A standardized set of Class Libraries (packages), that support:
    • creating graphical user interfaces
    • controlling multimedia data
    • communicating over networks

Detailed Description:

"Java is a word that represents several different things. Primarily, Java is a programming language, an object-oriented language developed at Sun Microsystems.

Between 1990 and 1993, James Gosling and others at Sun were working on a project that needed a new programming language. As a result, they developed Java. They originally created it for small, personal digital assistance in set top boxes. Their project was called *7 (Star Seven), and was part of a larger project called The Green Project. Java's original name was Oak, named after the tree outside James Gosling's office. But Oak turned out to be an existing programming language, so Sun named it Java, after many visits to a local coffee shop! Java is not an acronym. It is a trademark of Sun Microsystems.

By 1993, James Gosling and others saw that the World Wide Web was beginning. And people like Arthur van Hoff and others at Sun developed a web browser that was originally named WebRunner and later HotJava. From 1993 to 1995, they showed HotJava to various companies, including Netscape Communications. The people at Netscape realized the power of Java and committed to incorporate it in their product. In 1995 and early 1996, companies began to license the Java technology and to incorporate it into their products.

So what is Java?"