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Bamba Course Information OS/2 Questions

My Bamba plug-in for Windows 95/NT has expired; what do I do now?

A new version of the Bamba plug-in for Windows 95/NT is currently available at the following URL: Versions of the plug-in downloaded prior to 7/1/97 have now expired, causing an expiration message to appear each time you attempt to view the course. To solve this problem, do the following:

  1. Uninstall the current version of the plug-in using the Uninstall utility located in the Bamba directory. It is important that you uninstall the expired plug-in before attempting to install the new version of the plug-in.
  2. Download the new version of the Bamba plug-in.
  3. Install the plug-in. (See How do I install the plug-in? for step-by-step instructions.)
    Note: If you have Netscape Navigator and Netscape Communicator on your machine, you must ensure that the Bamba plug-in is installed in the Plug-ins folder for the browser you plan to use to view the course. (Bamba has not been formally tested with Netscape Communicator.) If you accept the default settings when installing the plug-in, the plug-in may be installed in the wrong Plug-ins folder and you may not be able to access it.

Why did IBM decide to use the Bamba plug-in?

This course is an experiment in a whole new way to deliver education. The course combines the audio and video of video/satellite-based courses with the interactivity of the Web. The Bamba technology allows us to deliver this type of functionality.

How do I install the plug-in?

  1. On the course requirements page (at, select one of the following plug-ins:

    • Bamba plug-in for Netscape Navigator on Windows95/NT
    • Bamba plug-in for Netscape Navigator on OS/2

  2. When the download dialog appears, select the Save File option.
  3. Choose a directory in which to store the file or create a new directory (bamba_file, for example) and then save the file.
  4. After you have successfully downloaded the file, exit Navigator.
  5. Install the Bamba plug-in as follows:
    • For Win95/NT, run the executable file that you downloaded (tribamba.exe). You will be led through a series of installation steps. Make sure that the target directory to install the plug-in is the Plug-ins folder in the Netscape Navigator folder.
    • For OS/2, run the executable file that you downloaded (bos2a.exe). Move H263.DLL, G723.DLL, and CPPOM30.DLL to a location in your LIBPATH (for example, \MMOS2\DLL). Move the NPBAMBA.DLL to your Netscape Plug-ins directory (\NETSCAPE\PLUGINS).
  6. After the plug-in is installed, start Netscape Navigator and return to the course requirements page to register for and start the course.

I can't get my plug-in to work. Netscape tells me that no plug-ins are installed, but I know they're there. What's wrong?

Your plug-ins should be in the Plug-ins folder in the Netscape Navigator folder. The Netscape application should be in the same Navigator folder. The Plug-ins folder and the application must be at the same level. In addition, the folder must be named Plug-ins so Navigator can find it.

If you want to use a plug-in with multiple versions of Navigator, you have to put the plug-in or an alias of it in the Plug-ins folder of the other versions.

Remember, you will have to shut down your browser and restart it in order for Netscape to recognize the plug-in.

Is there a Bamba plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer?

At this time the bamba plug-in is written only to the OS/2 and Windows 95/NT Netscape Navigator platforms. The Bamba plug-in is experimental (alpha level) code. Support for additional platforms is planned. At this time, Internet Explorer users can take the text version of the course, which does not require the Bamba plug-in.

Is there support for MAC, AIX, or any platform other than OS/2 and Windows 95/NT?

At this time the Bamba plug-in is written only to the OS/2 and Windows 95/NT Netscape Navigator platforms. The Bamba plug-in is experimental (alpha level) code. Support for additional platforms is planned. However, users with other browsers can take the text version of the course, which does not require the Bamba plug-in.

What kind of support is available for the Bamba plug-in?

The Bamba plug-in code is at an experimental (alpha) level and is being provided "as is", without support. However, new versions of the code will be coming out in the future.

How do I send a comment to the Bamba development team?

The alphaWorks site contains a discussion forum that the Bamba development team monitors. The forum is at

Why did IBM develop this Web-based course?

This course was developed to demonstrate many things. We wanted to develop a course that provided quality education over the Web. We've combined the visual/audio aspect of video and satellite education with the interactivity of the Web. You can let the course teach you while you sit back, watch and listen. You can start and stop the course at any time, and it can be run anywhere there is access to the Internet. These features enable audio/video-based education to be delivered to any desktop in a corporate intranet. Because it is Web based--and requires no local storage--the course can be delivered easily to an intranet with NC devices deployed. Because it is Web based, we can constantly add and improve the course--so that it will always be accurate and relevant. In the future we will add interaction and community aspects to the course that can only be delivered via the Web.

How do I get back to the course without registering again?

To return to the course at any time, you can go directly to If you've got Cookies turned on, the Cookie will remember where you last were in the course and allow you to return directly to that page.

How can I improve the performance of the course?

Clearing your browser's cache before starting the course will improve the performance of the course. To clear the cache select Options --> Network Preferences from the Netscape action bar. Select the Cache tab and clear the Memory and Disk caches; then select OK.

How can I improve the video quality of the course on OS/2?

From the "System" icon on your OS/2 desktop, set your screen resolution to greater than 256 color depth. Running at 256 color depth or less will result in poor video quality.

On OS/2 I get a pop-up about the capabilities of my audio card. What can I do?

The message may indicate that your audio card does not support the sample rate or size used by Bamba. To verify the capabilities of your audio card, use the DAUDIO.EXE and DAUDIO.WAV files provided with the download. Copy both of these files to the same directory and execute DAUDIO. If this fails, your audio card will not support Bamba under OS/2.

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