1 IBM IC Phone Error 2 Program is already active. 4 Failed to initialize IBM IC Phone device. 5 IBM IC Phone Call Waiting 6 is trying to call you. 7 To connect to the Web server, press the Setup button,\nfill in your Email and the IBM IC Phone server \n and press Ok. 8 is busy. 9 Call Rejected 10 No Answer 11 probably is not active any more. 12 Illegal return value 19 Connecting to server 20 Connection established with 21 Disconnecting from server 22 Connected successfully to\n IBM IC Phone server 23 Ready 25 Connection to server 26 IBM IC Phone Call 31 Failed to communicate with IBM IC Phone server 32 is not registered. 33 Failed to initialize WinSock.\nMake sure you are connected to \nan Internet provider. 34 Connecting with 35 You must hangup before calling back. 36 Searching for matching users, please wait... 37 matching users . 38 Connection to IBM IC Phone server will be done when call ends. 39 IBM IC Phone Notification 40 Please wait... 41 Version 42 failed. 43 You cannot call yourself . 44 Please fill in the email field. 45 Invalid IBM IC Phone server.\nPress the Setup button and select an IBM IC Phone server from the server list. 46 Email and IBM IC Phone Server fields must be filled before registering.\nPress the Setup button to fill in these fields. 47 The IBM IC Phone application cannot be used when the \nMwave modem is connected in 28800 mode (V.34) .\nTo use the IBM IC Phone application:\n\n1. Disconnect from your internet provider.\n2. Set the Mwave modem to 1440 \n0 mode.\n 48 To call, you must connect to an IBM IC Phone server.\nPress the Setup button to configure the IBM IC Phone parameters. 49 To view the user list, you must connect to an IBM IC Phone server.\nPress the Setup button to configure the IBM IC Phone parameters 50 User List cannot be shown while conversation is active. 51 Please fill in the Email & Server fields. 52 Loading user list...please wait. 53 active user(s). 54 user(s) displayed out of 55 Connection in progress...please wait. 56 IBM IC Phone 57 Version 1.0 58 Copyright (c) 59 International Business Machines 1996 60 All rights reserved worldwide. 61 List of active users failed. Try again. 62 Search in user list failed. Try again. 63 3. Reconnect to your internet provider.\n4. Activate the Web application again.\n For further information , refer to the online help. 64 User Email: 65 User Information: 66 The IBM IC Phone application could not connect to the IBM IC Phone server.\nTo connect to the IBM IC Phone server:\n1. Make sure you are connected to your Internet provider.\n2. Press the IBM IC Phone setup button and select a server \nfrom the server list. 67 To call another user from the list, you have to hangup . 68 The IBM IC Phone application could not connect to the IBM IC Phone server that you selected.\nTo connect to the IBM IC Phone server:\n1. Make sure you are connected to your Internet provider.\n2.Select a server from the server list \n. 69 Spaces are not allowed in the Email address field.\nPlease enter valid email address. 70 Connection to IBM IC Phone server cancelled\n\nPlease wait... 71 Connecting to IBM IC Phone server \n\n Please wait... 72 Call Cancelled 73 Cannot open input file. 74 You are in a busy state right now and cannot call another user. 75 Cannot reconnect to IBM IC Phone server. \nPlease try again later.