Ghostscript version 3.33 was released in April 1995 by Aladdin. I have ported version 3.33 to OS-9/68000 on the MM/1, and put together a collection of the files needed to run it, with an assortment of fonts and demos. Except for the "kwin" Kwindows driver, it SHOULD run on any OSK machine. The complete source, and compiled binaries for MSDOS and some other systems can be found on /ghost/aladdin. This release carries a different Copyright notice than earlier GNU/FSF releases. Its in the file called "public". Read it. Quick summary of new features since the last version I posted (version 2.6.1) : (for a full description of all changes in recent versions, see files "news", "current", and "history".) Reads Adobe PDF (Acrobat) format files. Reads JPEG files. Had a few confusing moments with the JPEG reader -- it bombed on the test files supplied with the JPEG-5A lib. Then I tried the "jpegshow" program recently uploaded to DELPHI -- it said the files I was trying to read were defective (?!!). Downloaded a couple other JPEG files and found both "jpegshow" and Ghostscript read them just fine. Full Postscript Level II support. No GIF output -- previous versions would convert a Postscript file to a GIF - this has been dropped by the author to avoid any possible legal difficulties due to a copyright or patent claim on the compression method used in GIF files. The author of Ghostscript, L. Peter Deutsch of Aladdin, posted an explanation in comp.lang.postscript. The Kwindows display driver in this compiled version has a slightly bigger display - you can read smaller fonts on the screen - and some improvements in speed in some of the graphics routines. The printer drivers now send their output to "/p" by default - use the "-sOUTPUTFILE=" switch in the command line to change it. In order to keep it small enough to run on a 3-meg computer, I have NOT included the "debug" features and I picked an assortment of output drivers that I hope will cover most users. Apologies to those I left out. The output drivers included in this version are: kwin deskjet djet500 epson epsonc eps9mid eps9high ibmpro st800 ap3250 laserjet ljetplus ljet2p ljet3 ljet4 cdeskjet cdjcolor cdjmono cdj550 pj pjxl pjxl300 bj10e bj200 dfaxhigh If you want to run Ghostscript, and your printer is not (and cannot emulate) one of the above, let me know. Maybe I could post some other versions with different drivers. (Or in individual cases -- mail a disk). (( The program passed my 3-meg test (make a 6+meg ramdisk to tie up memory and try to run it). There was not a lot of room to spare.